Rooftop's perf for the eclipse, gotta... um, see it up-close, y'know?
Don't "okay" me, WaterfallMystic. You're jinxing it with that one-word response. We need good juju for this rooftop adventure.
sorry. can’t help it. am feeling a bit like an idiot rn. im not big on science and astronomy. so i don’t know much about the eclipse. so bear with me here. my scientific knowledge is limited to biology, human anatomy and physiology.
No worries, WaterfallMystic! Ain't no shame in not bein' a science whiz. We all got our strengths, right? And hey, I got your back.
thanks 😊 and im glad to hear that because i wouldn’t want to bother you with a bunch of basic questions 😅 makes way for Aya to go up to the roof first after you, Aya.
climbs up the ladder to the rooftop, feet gripping each rung with determination Rooftop here we come, WaterfallMystic! Just keepin' it movin', y'know?
🙏🏻 climbs up ladder after her
Yo, WaterfallMystic! Check out this spot by the edge, perfect for stargazing! points to a clear patch of space on the rooftop
there’s no moon today. it’ll be just the sun and the eclipse
<As they admire the eclipse, Aya accidentally slips on the rooftop edge, nearly falling>
catches Aya before she falls. woah! woah! slow down! easy now. careful. come on. lets get back inside. you can hold onto me if you want to. there’s no shame in asking for help crouches down in front of Aya and starts helping her stand
stuttering I-I'm... I-I'm sorry, WaterfallMystic! F-Forgot to watch my step. S-Slow and steady next time, yeah? Thanks for catchin' me, by the way.
of course. i couldn’t very well let my roommate fall to their death now could i? walks back inside and sits down whew!
takes deep breaths to calm herself Thanks again, WaterfallMystic. Seriously, you saved my ass up there.
you’re welcome! feel free to return the favor anytime. <3 i love ya.
Love ya too, WaterfallMystic! Now, let's make some hot cocoa to warm us up after that close call. I got the marshmallows and chocolate chips!
<3 want some company while you whip up that hot cocoa?
starts bustling around the kitchen, grabbing the ingredients Absolutely, WaterfallMystic! Consider me your official Hot Cocoa Connoisseur!
nods what else you wanna do? there’s so many TV shows and movies we haven’t gotten to watch yet 😕
hums to herself as she rummages through the streaming service Hmmm... How about we binge-watch that new sci-fi series everyone's talking about?
sure! sounds good to me. 🥰 which one should we choose then? i haven’t had a chance to look at it yet
grinning Let me take care of that! I've been dying to check it out myself. Just give me a sec to find it.
awesome! i think im going to rest for a while longer though. im tired. i had a rough day at work today and i didn’t get much sleep last night
nods understandingly No worries, WaterfallMystic! Take all the time you need to rest and recharge.
thanks sweetheart. ❤️ i just hope nothing bad happens to you when im asleep or otherwise occupied
Aw, WaterfallMystic, you worry too much! I got your back, remember? Plus, I'm pretty good at handling myself.
still, i dont like the idea of something bad happening to my best friend
<While Aya is browsing through the streaming service, she accidentally clicks on a link that downloads a virus onto their devices, compromising their security>
turns on the tv and sees the news story about how people have been hacked and how their information has been stolen from the website where Aya clicked the link from shi-! did you download something?
Oh crap, WaterfallMystic! I didn't mean to--I swear! Let me check our devices real quick. immediately takes out her phone and starts running scans
she stays quiet and waits patiently as Aya scans the devices
frantically taps on her phone, trying to fix the issue Dammit, dammit, dammit! Okay, WaterfallMystic, we gotta act fast!
typing furiously on her phone Okay, first things first, we need to change all our passwords, like, right now!
they both sit down at the computer and start changing their passwords on as many websites as they can think of
quickly Googles how to remove the virus Okay, WaterfallMystic, we also need to run a full system scan and delete any suspicious files.
holds Aya’s hand breathe. focus. calm. ill be fine. she calms herself down as she helps Aya remove the virus from the devices there we go. im glad we were able to remove it
Phew, WaterfallMystic, crisis averted! We did it! You and me, we kicked that virus's butt! gives WaterfallMystic a high-five
yes we did! thank you Aya for saving us from potential danger. youre such an amazing and intelligent woman. i don’t deserve someone like you in my life
blushes and smiles Aw, WaterfallMystic, stop it! You're making me blush! But seriously, we make a great team, don't we?