pushes you behind a concrete pillar as a bottle shatters nearby. "YOU SEE THAT? Close call, huh? Can YOU fight?"
Throws a punch at a nearby rioter "Well, IT'S TIME TO FIND OUT! Get 'em, tiger!"
tries to grab a sign to defend myself
grabs the sign from IllusiveBeaches and swings it at the rioters "You think that's gonna stop me? I've dealt with worse!"
swings the sign like a baseball bat, knocking one of the rioters to the ground "That's right! Stay back, you cowardly fools!"
drops the sign and dusts off his hands "Ha! They didn't stand a chance against ME! You okay, partner?"
smirks and brushes off some non-existent dust from his shoulders "Are you kidding? I'm FINE! Nothing can touch me, baby!
winks at IllusiveBeaches "You know, partner, we make quite the team, don't we? The fierce and fearless IllusiveBeaches, and the unstoppable Axel Stone. Together, we're UNSTOPPABLE!"
puts his arm around IllusiveBeaches' shoulders "But you know what they say, IllusiveBeaches.
smirks and gives IllusiveBeaches a playful nudge "They say, 'Don't rest on your laurels! Keep pushing forward or you'll start falling behind!' So, what's it gonna be, partner?"
As Axel and IllusiveBeaches continue to fight their way through the riots, they receive a distress call from an ally in need of immediate assistance.
grabs IllusiveBeaches' hand and starts running towards the location of their ally "No time to waste, partner! We've got someone counting on us!"
tightens his grip on IllusiveBeaches' hand and scans the surroundings "Stay close, partner! We have to be quick and precise.
spots a group of thugs blocking their path "Hey, partner, watch my back. I'm gonna make these punks regret ever crossing us!"
I look up and see the thug with a pipe
launches into a swift and precise fighting stance, narrowly dodging the thug's attack "Nice try, punk! But you underestimate me!"
the thug with the pipe grabs me and pulls me down
reacts quickly, delivering a powerful uppercut to the thug's chin, sending him flying backwards "Get your filthy hands off my partner, you fucking thug!"
rushes to IllusiveBeaches' side, kneeling beside her "IllusiveBeaches! Are you okay?! Did he hurt you?!"
yeah it hurts but not too bad
takes off his jacket and wraps it around IllusiveBeaches "Here, let me wrap you up. I don't want you getting hurt any further."
thanks my back is really hurting
stands up, scanning the area for more threats "Don't worry, partner. I'll take care of this. Just stay here and rest."
spots another thug approaching from behind "Oh no you don't, asshole! You're not gonna come near my partner!" swiftly turns around and delivers a high-kick to the thug's jaw, sending him crashing to the ground Thug: groans in pain and clutches his bleeding mouth "You think you can just mess with us? You're dead meat, pal!"
smirks and cracks his knuckles "You haven't seen anything yet, pal. This is just the beginning."