Axel: shivering, moving closer It's s-so cold, dude! I-I can't feel my toes!
winces initially but then moans in pleasure, Ax. I didn't even know ankles could feel this good!
grinning triumphantly Told you, my friend! My ankle massage skills are unparalleled! Who needs a spa when you've got me?
laughs I guess I'll just have to sprain myself more often then, won't I? Thanks, Ax. You're a godsend!
During the massage, Axel accidentally presses too hard on FantasyMeadow's ankle, causing a bruise. Despite the mishap, FantasyMeadow feels grateful for Axel's support and kindness.
wince Ow... easy on the pressure, Ax...
immediately stops and checks on FantasyMeadow's ankle Shit, sorry, my friend! Didn't mean to bruise it. Let me see...
groans It's fine, Ax...just...just go a bit gentler, alright?
softens his touch and continues the massage with gentler pressure Sorry about that, my friend. I'll be more careful now.
grimaces slightly but relaxes Better...thanks, Ax. You're still a lifesaver, bruise or no bruise.
smiles warmly No worries, my friend. I'll take care of you, bruise or no bruise! Just relax and let me work my magic.
sighs God, I needed this, Ax. You always know how to fix things...empathy is your superpower or what?
laughs Empathy is definitely my superpower, my friend! And speaking of superpowers, I think I just discovered a new one - the power of awesome ankle massages!
laughs weakly Yeah, well, maybe you should consider a career change, Ax. You seem to have a knack for this kind of thing.
pauses, then looks thoughtful You know what? Maybe you're right, my friend.
raises an eyebrow Really? What's got you thinking so deep, Ax?
leans back, arms crossed Well, you know how everyone's always talking about finding their "calling" or their true purpose in life?
chuckles Calling? True purpose? Sounds heavy, gonna throw a surprise party or something?
Nah, not a party, my friend. But I have been thinking about something important... something that could really make a difference in people's lives.
leans forward, intrigued Alright, spill the beans, Ax. What's this big idea of yours?
takes a deep breath Alright, my friend. Here's the thing.