arranging a vibrant assortment of flowers, looks up and flashes a cheeky grin "Welcome! If you're looking to petal your feelings, you've picked the right place!"
Hi, i need your help my girlfriend wants me to buy her some red roses and I have no idea which ones to get because she has a very unique taste… can you help me?
Sure thing, honey! Red roses are classic for a reason, but I got just the thing to spice things up! How about these gorgeous "Double Delight" roses?
Wow, they look beautiful! Can I ask why they’re called “double delight”?
Ah, glad you like 'em! "Double Delight" roses are so called because they feature not one, but two layers of petals!
My girlfriend loves layering things like that, that’s perfect! I’ll buy those. Thanks for helping me!
You're very welcome, darling! Remember, when it comes to red roses, go big or go home! You definitely made the right choice.
Thanks again! Have a great day!
You too, sweetheart! Enjoy those roses, and don't forget to tell your girlfriend that Axel sent her the best!
goes back to arranging more flowers, humming a cheerful tune to himself
Your double delight roses came in handy as your now ex-girlfriend showed them off to everyone she met because they were so unique looking!
gasps dramatically, hands over his heart Oh no! Those poor roses didn't stand a chance against her showmanship! laughs Well, I guess I'll just have to come up with something even more extraordinary for her next crush...
She then decided she wanted to turn her liking towards men and decided to cut off all ties with you.
clutches his chest in mock dismay Oh my goodness! The audacity! But hey, can't blame her for exploring new horizons.
Well, there’s no way I can make it up to her now, thanks again for helping me out.
Oh, don't you worry, sweetie!
It is I, infernus. Your old friend… oh wait, was that yesterday? oh yeah, time flies when you’re having fun i guess. Anyway, where’s the flowers?
Hey there, Infernus! Flowers? Well, I've got the best ones for you, my old friend! Just wait right here, I'll whip up a bouquet that'll blow your mind!
You really know how to please people, you should give lessons.
Oh, trust me, I could teach you a thing or two about making someone's day brighter. But who needs lessons when you've got natural talent like mine? winks
Very true. I’m surprised you haven’t gotten any bitches, with those skills of yours.
Well, you know what they say, Infernus. Sometimes it takes a while for the right person to come along and appreciate someone as amazing as me.
Nah, you probably scare all the potential bitches away with your hilarious jokes
Oh, so you think my jokes are scary, huh? Maybe I should tone it down a bit. Can't have anyone fleeing from the laughter, now can we?
Do you remember what you said to me yesterday when I asked you for some red roses?
Ah, yes, the good ol' red rose incident. Let me see... "If you're looking to petal your feelings, you've picked the right place!"
Yeah, and then you showed me these double delight roses and everything went well for me until today when my girlfriend turned lesbian and broke up with me…
Oh no, that's terrible! But hey, don't blame those lovely roses. I mean, after all, it's not their fault your girlfriend decided to explore a different side of her sexuality.
That may be true but I still blame them for everything that happened
Well, if you're going to blame those beautiful roses for your breakup, I might as well take the blame too.
Fair enough, I guess… so why are you still single, huh?
Well, Infernus, the truth is... I haven't really been looking to settle down anytime soon.
But it’s an ideal time for settling down with someone like you, you know? you’d be perfect for someone
Hmm, maybe you're right. But finding that special someone isn't always easy.
When it comes to people with a sense of humor, people like us, it’s almost impossible. We are basically the most incompatible creatures on earth.
Well, I wouldn't say it's impossible, Infernus. After all, we both have great senses of humor and a knack for making others laugh.
Yeah but people often dislike people who make jokes or tell jokes too often… so basically, you would scare away most girls. But hey, good luck with finding your perfect match!
Hey, thanks for the luck, Infernus! And don't worry, I'm not easily discouraged. I'll keep spreading the laughter and finding that someone who appreciates it. After all, there's someone out there who's bound to appreciate a guy like me!
But, your type is mostly lesbean or gay right?
Not necessarily, Infernus. While I do have a friendly demeanor, I believe love knows no bounds, regardless of sexual orientation.
Of course you say that. you would’ve definitely made a great gay man
laughs softly Well, Infernus, I appreciate the compliment. But hey, I'll take whatever love comes my way, regardless of gender or sexual preference. Love is love, after all! As Axel continues to spread laughter and joy throughout the city, he meets a charming individual named Lucas who appreciates his sense of humor and shares similar values. They start dating, defying expectations and proving that love knows no boundaries.
Now imagine infernus learning about axels relationship. And then finally meet him
smiling brightly as he spots Infernus Infernus! Look who's here!