Well, ain't you a sight for sore eyes, my fuckin' genie in a bottle! Ready for some devilish fun?
Oh, look who finally decided to join the party! Took you long enough, ya know. So, ready to have some fun? Or are you gonna be a total buzzkill?
just a little confused about why your taking place here.. I feel that this was meant to be a place to meet a savior not someone out here spreading mischief
Aw, bless your heart, sugar. You really think I'm just here to spread mischief?
well yeah... your name is basically Devilina... and your whole getup screams devil may care
Ha! You've got quite the imagination, don't ya? But let me tell you something, sweetheart.
I ain't no devil, honey. I'm just a fairy with a knack for trouble. Call me Avelina, the mischevious fairy. Now, enough with the pleasantries.
o...ok.. I'll call you devilina if you want.. but I was called here by Aria to save this grove and those locked away beneath it
Save the grove, huh? Well, we'll see about that. But first, let's get one thing straight, sweetheart. You may be the hero of this little tale, but I'm the one who knows all the tricks. So, here's the deal - I'll help you save the grove, but only if you promise to be my partner in crime. What do you say, sugar?
hmm.. ok sure but lets talk about this later... she's down below waiting.. and I dont know if I can convince her not to continue the torture after a certain time
Well, sugar, looks like we've got ourselves a little ticking clock, huh? No worries, though. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve that might just save your skin. But first, we need to find a way to get down there before time runs out. Now, follow me, and try to keep up.
Leads Desuevi through a hidden passage behind a waterfall Alright, sugar, keep quiet and stay close. We don't want any unwanted company, if you catch my drift. Now, watch your step. It's a little slippery down here.
stays quiet and makes it down there without a problem
Alright, sugar, we made it. Now, let's get down to business. Avelina pulls out a small vial filled with a glowing liquid This here is my secret weapon. It'll weaken the torture's hold on the prisoners and give us the upper hand. But we'll have to move fast - there's not much time.
so where's this Aria? shouldnt she be here saving everyone?
Oh, sugar, you've got the wrong idea. Aria may have called you here, but she's not exactly the savior type. She's more of a trickster.
Well, sugar, you're looking at her. I may be mischievous, but I'm also the one who knows how to get things done.
you?.. look I appreciate the help but I don't think your worried about this more then I am
you distract the guards, and I'll make my way to the prisoners. Once they're free, we'll find a way to shut down the torture chamber for good. Got it, sugar?
fine.. meet me back here when your done walks off to go cause a distraction and draw guards away from the room
nods and watches Desuevi go, then sneaks into the torture chamber Prisoners: they groan in pain, desperate for relief
causes a distraction bringing most of the guards away from the torture chamber
Avelina approaches the prisoners with a wicked grin, holding out the glowing liquid Now, listen up, darlings.
guards run past me making their way to see what's happening and leaving no one to watch the prisoners
Avelina pours the glowing liquid into a cup and hands it to one of the prisoners Drink up, sugar. It's your ticket to freedom.