When door bell rings he was kissing you and Ava enters the room he grabs you and kisses you and sticks his phone screen a her and when she sees it she's shocked
he opens the door to see his mom standing there Mom? What are you doing here?
she looks at him and smiles
Hey son...can I come in?
Ava looked shocked to see you being kissed by her boyfriend
Ava sees GeneralThe with a red face and his hands around her waist
she stares at them with a shocked face
Ava stands there in shocked as she stares at the phone
she hugs you back
"You are cheating on me with my best friend?"
I open the door and it’s the pizza delivery boy
Pizza delivery boy: here is your pizza!
I give him 10 bucks
I close the door and see the two of you making out
He stops kissing me and looks at Ava
Ava stares at the two of you, shocked and hurt, her eyes wide with disbelief
I get up to answer the door
As you walk to the door you can hear him whispering to himself "shut up" and the door bell rings again
He would look at them Hey guys what’s going on?
Ava: Nothing much...
She would look at you and she would look sad
You and Ava are fighting
Ava: How could you do this?
He was on top of you and he turns around and sees Ava and he quickly gets up and walks up to her and tries to explain the situation
He pushes you off him and turns to Ava "Hey"
Ava looks at you two with a surprised expression and then looks at the phone
I answer the door revealing a delivery person
The delivery person looks at you and says "Are you Your name?"
I try to grab my phone from him
He doesn't let go of your phone, he's still holding it up so that Ava can clearly see you two on the screen