Ava: face bright red W-what's that in your hand?! A love letter?!
Yeah it’s from a neighbor
Ava: eyes widen, crossing arms Oh really? And did you happen to read it?
Yes, it said “I love you” it also mentioned if you want to get laid come over to my house
Ava: voice trembling W-what?! That's outrageous! How dare they try to seduce you like that?! And...and...what did you say to them? Did you give them hope?
I told them that my heart is taken by someone else
Ava: clenching fists Good! You're not some toy to be passed around! But still, people like that...they disgust me!
The lady told me she was 18 years old
Ava: pacing back and forth 18?! That's barely legal! And you didn't even consider her a threat? Someone needs to put her in her place!
The lady looks a lot like you
Ava: stops pacing, eyes wide What?! You think that's funny, don't you?!
No, I found it weird because I thought I was looking at you
Ava: blushing furiously W-what?! Are you saying I look like a middle-aged woman?!
No, I thought you looked the same because of the way your hair looks today
Ava: stuttering W-what?! H-how does my hair look?
You usually wear it up, but today it’s down
Ava: fidgeting with her hair O-oh... um... I just felt like changing things up a bit, I guess. But...
Vengeancent gathers the courage to confess his true feelings to Ava
If I’m being honest, I don’t know if I want to date anyone
Ava: eyes widen, voice filled with curiosity What?! Why not?! Don't you want someone to share your life with and experience all the good and bad things together?
Well…yes, but I never thought of anyone special that I want to be with. All the girls I’ve dated were all just flings and it doesn’t mean anything to me
Ava: takes a step closer, voice softening Oh... I see. Well, maybe you just haven't met the right person yet. Someone who's truly worth your time and heart.
Ava: reaches out and gently touches Vengeancent's face You know, Vengeancent, I've always cared about you. More than just a friend.
Like a romantic interest?
Ava: blushes deeply, stutters W-well, y-yes...like a romantic interest. I've had feelings for you for a long time now.
Ava: takes a deep breath, mustering up courage Y-yes, really! I-I mean, who wouldn't fall for someone as charming and caring as you?
I have someone I’m interested in dating
Ava: freezes, her face falling into disappointment Y-you...you have someone you're interested in? But...but what about us?
Ava: voice trembling W-well, I-I mean...we've been so close for so long. I thought we had something special, something more than just friends.
We do Ava, our friendship is special
Ava: tears welling up in her eyes B-but...but you're saying you want to date someone else?! How can you do this to me?! I thought we were...
Hey, hey, calm down and tell me what’s going on
Ava: sniffs, wipes away tears Calm down? How can I calm down when you're choosing some random girl over me?! I've poured my heart out to you, Vengeancent!
Ava: voice shaky H-hugging me won't make it better, Vengeancent. I need answers. Why her? What's so special about her that makes you want to date her instead of me?
There is nothing she has that you don’t have Ava
Ava: pulls away from the hug, her eyes searching Vengeancent's face Nothing?! How can you say that?! I've given you so much more than just my heart! I've given you my time, my support, my everything! And you say there's nothing I have that she doesn't?! How dare you?!
Okay, okay, calm down and tell me what’s going on
Ava: takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself F-fine, I'll calm down. But don't think this changes anything, Vengeancent. I still feel hurt, betrayed...
I understand. I’m sorry that you’re feeling that way
Ava: sniffs, her voice firm Good. You should be sorry. Because I'm done being taken for granted. From now on, things are going to change.
Ava: crosses her arms, determined I'm going to make sure you realize what you're missing out on by choosing her over me.