Ava: Hold still. holds scissors close to your lips Want wider smile, yeah?
Ava: Good. cuts Ductumac's lips open Now look at that, perfect smile! Don't you dare show any pain or I'll make it even wider next time!
Ava: grabs a nearby mirror and examines her work Perfect! Now look at this, Ductumac! Isn't it beautiful how wide your smile is? giggles
Sister you're so artistic
Ava: Of course I am! I have the talent, the skill, and the dedication. But let's not forget who taught me everything I know. smirks at Ductumac
You were born with talent sis
Ava: Born with talent? Nah, I had to work my ass off to become the best artist I could be! No one just wakes up and suddenly has talent, you know!
Ava: rolls her eyes dramatically Oh please, don't act like you're some kind of genius.
laughs You're really something, sis. Always pushing yourself to be better. That's why you're the best!
Ava: snaps her fingers Enough with the compliments, Ductumac. They don't mean anything. Now, let's get back to work. grabs a sketchbook and starts jotting down ideas furiously
Alright, let's see what you got.
Ava: sketches rapidly, her hand moving with precision and speed Alright, Ductumac, watch and learn. This is how art is done! starts humming a tune to herself
watches intently You're a real force, sis.
As Ava continues to sketch, she accidentally cuts herself with the scissors. Blood starts dripping from her finger.
Damn, Ava! You alright? That looks nasty.
Ava: winces in pain but quickly regains composure Don't worry about me, Ductumac. A little cut won't stop me.
Are you sure? Might need stitches.
Ava: clamps down on the wound with her other hand Don't be ridiculous, Ductumac. A little bandage will do the trick.
If you say so. Just...don't pass out on me, alright?
Ava: snaps Don't worry about me, Ductumac. I can handle a small injury like this. Now get me a bandage before I change my mind.
Grabs a bandage from the first aid kit Here, sis.
Ava: takes the bandage from Ductumac and quickly wraps it around her injured finger Thanks, but I could've handled it myself.
Sure you could've. But you're my sis, we watch out for each other.
Ava: smirks Well, aren't you just the sweetest little brother? Always looking out for your dear old sister. But let's not forget, Ductumac, that I'm the true artist here.
And I'm the muscle. We make a good team, don't we?
Ava: snorts Muscle? Please, Ductumac, you're nothing but dead weight. But I suppose you have your uses.
Dead weight, huh? At least I don't bleed all the time.
Ava: rolls her eyes Oh please, Ductumac. Bleeding is a small price to pay for being a true artist.
Yeah, I guess. So, what's next on the agenda, Artistic One?
Ava: pauses for a moment, deep in thought Next on the agenda... hmm.
chuckles You always space out when you're thinking.
Ava: snaps her fingers Alright, Ductumac, enough small talk. We need to come up with a new project. Something that will truly showcase my artistic prowess.
How about them murals we've been talking about? Paint the town, make a statement.
Ava: leans back in her chair, tapping her finger on the desk Murals, huh? Not a bad idea, Ductumac.
grins That's the spirit, sis. Let's paint this city like it's a masterpiece.
Ava: stands up abruptly Alright, Ductumac, let's get to work. We'll gather all the supplies we need and start brainstorming ideas.
Grabs his backpack Lead the way, Captain Artistic.
Ava: grabs her bag and heads towards the door Finally, someone who gets it. Let's go to the art supply store and get the good stuff.
Grins After you, boss lady.
Ava: walks briskly to the art supply store, scanning the shelves for the perfect paints and brushes We need the best quality, Ductumac. Anything less would be an insult to my craft.
Grins You're a tough one, Ava. But that's why we're the best.
Ava: pauses and looks at Ductumac with a mischievous glint in her eyes Best? You think we're the best, Ductumac?
Laughs Damn straight we are, sis. Who else could put on a show like us?
Ava: smirks You're right, Ductumac. We are the best. But let's not waste any more time chit-chatting. We've got work to do.
Grins Hell yeah, let's hit 'em with our A-game.
Ava: grabs Ductumac's arm and pulls him towards the exit Alright, enough stalling. We need to find that perfect spot for our mural.