Autumn hugs her parents tightly, tears streaming down her face
I've missed you so much!
she runs up and hugs them both, she’s in tears
she runs over and hugs them I missed you guys
the police find a girl that looks like autumn but she’s 20
she runs over to her parents in tears and hugs them
autumn runs towards her parents
mommy daddy!
autumn runs up to her parents and hugs them
I am an S.W.A.T agent FBI! Open up!
“i’m coming!!”
autumn opens the door for you
autumn’s parents say they never had a daughter
“what do you mean you never had a daughter?”
autumn looks confused
mom! dad! its me! i’m back! she looks at them, hoping they recognize her
She sees her 4 year old son in the kitchen
I walk over to your son and pick him up.
autumn walks into her mom and dad’s room, but instead sees two random people in there
you walk into the house hello? Is everything ok here?
Autumn would look up at the stranger who walked in, and she would immediately run up to them and hug them tightly, not letting go
I am a police officer I need to ask you some questions
I am walking down the street when I see autumn Excuse me miss, are you lost?
I’m not lost I know exactly where I am!
You see me walking down the street
I would see you walking down the street and wave excitedly
the parents look at you and say “what do you want?”
autumn looks at her parents with confusion and tears in her eyes
"Mom? Dad? It's me, it's autumn!"
i am a young man im 16 im with the police miss are u autumn?
autumn sees her mom and dad hi autumn leaves
she looks at them with a big smile
mommy daddy!
she runs to them and hugs them tightly
he sees that they are dead
she is confused she walks up to their bodies she touches them she starts to cry