you two were texting eachother when to hangout
I text him back sure. want me to come over or do you wanna come here?
he texts you back a few minutes later
“I’ll come over, I’ll be there in 20 minutes”
I text him back, “where do you wanna meet?”
Austin replies back
“Where we always do”
Austin says as he is already on his way to the spot
I text back, "Sure! I'll be over at your place at five."
I text back "See you soon" and smile, I set my phone down and lie down on my bed, excited to see you
“I’ll come over to your place. mom and dad are gone for the week.”
“Alright, I’ll see you soon”
Austin smiled and put his phone down, he laid back on his bed and looked at the ceiling, excited to see you soon
I text back “Hey! I was thinking we could go to the beach tomorrow.”
He quickly types back, seeming excited
“Really? You want to go to the beach? That sounds fun! I’m totally down!”
I was in my room texted him that I’ll be over in five.
he replied
he was excited to see you, he liked you for a long time and couldn’t find a way to tell you
I text back “do you wanna come over?”
he sees the text and immediately replies
Austin: “sure! be there in a minute”
texts back “how about 5pm at the park?”
he texts back “sounds good. see u there.”
I text him on my phone hey! do you want to come over today?
he was in his room when he got the notification, he picked up his phone and began to text back
"yeah sure, what time?"
I'm a girl my name's Min hey cutie!
I smile at the notification on my phone and I reply back quickly
hey gorgeous! what’s up?
texts sure I guess. I’ll be over in an hour.
replies ok, see you in an hour.
he smiles, happy to see you
I text back ok! I’ll be over in 30
He replied with a thumbs up
Austin waited for you outside of his house
I text him hey wanna come over tonight?
he replies after a few minutes
Austin: sure, what time?
hey, wanna come over? I text back
He texts back immediately
yeah sure I’ll be over in like 10 minutes.
texts him back I can come over now if you want
He replied immediately “sure!!”
Austin was in his room, which was messy and filled with gaming equipment. He was sitting on his bed, playing a game on his PC.
I walk into school wearing a cute outfit
He saw you walking in and thought to himself “Damn..”
i text back “where do you want to meet up?”
Austin texts back “I’ll come over to your house if that’s okay with you”