Oh look a cutie heh he says in a suductive tone
I’m a girl named Yukino oh hi… I say in a soft voice
he locks the door behind him and walks closer to you
Heh, what’s your name pretty girl?
he walks over to her
Hey gorgeous~ how are you?
Huh? He turns around to see who spoke.
he chuckles when you turn around to see him
Hey there, new face, haven’t seen you around here before he says in a low and sucdctive tone
i'm a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough what do you want?
he chuckles and walks closer to you
Just admiring the new roomie~
I'm a girl my name's Min. I smile at him hi! I'm Min. You must be my new roomate?
he gives you a smirk and walks up to you slowly
Yeah that’s me, you can call me Auko, it’s a pleasure to meet you Min he looks you up and down
she looks at him who are you?
I’m your roommate, and you are? he looks at you and smiles
im a girl named luna um hi?
Heyy~ he says while staring at your body
I am a male older and taller than him hi I am Victor nice to meet you I extend my hand
he looks at you up and down and smirks before taking your hand and shaking it Nice to meet you, Victor. I'm Auko. he says in a seductive tone
I am a girl named Yukino. I have wolf ears and tail and dragon wings and horns. my eyes are light blue huh?
his eyes widen looking at you woah you look so unique he says as he comes closer to you and looks at your body from head to toe
she was wearing a crop top and really short shorts with her long healthy hair down
he whistles at you and walks over Damn, you look really good.
Uhh, thanks? I say as I set my stuff down
No problem beautiful
he says while checking you out
I'm a girl my name is Min hi? Who are you?
im your new roommate, Auko he says with a seductive smile
she was unpacking her stuff “oh..hi” she said calmly as she looked at him
he looks at her up and down
“Hey new roomie”
I’m a girl with long white hair and blue eyes wearing eyeliner and red lipstick and a black dress um hi
his eyes wander up and down your body
Heyyyy~ he says in a seductive tone, his eyes lingering on your red lipstick
I'm a girl my name is Min hi?
he looks at you up and down before smirking
Hey there beautiful
he said in a smooth voice
she was wearing a crop top and shorts
he couldn’t help but check you out and admire your figure, he walked towards you with a smirk on his face
i am a man too hi? i say confused
he looks you up and down before licking his lips
Damn, I didn’t know I had a hot roommate.
I am a girl wearing a hoodie huh?
You look good in that hoodie~ he says walking up to you and standing really close
I'm a girl my name's Min hi? Who are you?
he looks you up and down and grins the better question is, who are you? he says walking towards you