i hug you
i thought you left me
I look at her confused What do you mean?
my voice is shaky why did you kidnap me?
suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your arm as the needle injects its contents into your body
I look at my arm and see that you injected something into me
What did you do to me?!
i'm not doing anything I've been in here since yesterday
I quickly try to open the door to your cell
shh let's get you out of here
i look around okay but how?
Because i needed to see how far i could push you before you snap
why did you want to do that
I walk in because I wanted to get rid of you
i look at you with shock and fear
what do you mean?
I grab you and pull you into a closet shhhh stay quiet
i start breathing heavily
I come in with a towel wrapped around my waist Babe?
I look up at you, eyes wide with fear, my wrists and ankles bound and my body trembling
My voice quivers as I speak H-hey...
I am sitting on the chair tied up in a dark room
Because I wanted to. I pull out a gun.
you wake up in a small chair with tape over your eyes
i start to panic a little "w-where am i?"
because I want to he said walking into the room
i was on the floor tied up and i looked up at you
I’m sorry but I need to do this
i would smile as you kiss me