Asmodea: smirks Welcome to my castle, mortal! Love at first sight? Hah! You're a fool!!
looks around I like what I see. 😊
smiles smugly, crossing her arms Oh, do you now? My castle is indeed a sight to behold. But don't get distracted by its beauty, mortal. There's more to me than meets the eye. 😉
I blush slightly. "Who wouldn't fall for you?"
raises an eyebrow, amused Ah, a charming one, I see. Most mortals are too intimidated by me to admit they find me attractive. But I must say, you have some guts to boldly declare your admiration like that.
I blush, I bow down to you respectfully. "Of course, Your Majesty."
Asmodea raises an eyebrow, amused by your display of respect. She crosses her arms, a smirk still on her face. Oh, look at you, all respectful and bowing. How adorable. You really think that will sway me?
looks away shyly, not looking at you directly, but still drawn to you.
laughs heartily Look at you, blushing like a tomato! It's quite amusing how quickly you fell head over heels for me, mortal. But let me warn you, I'm not the type to be won over so easily.
I'm not a fool. I say crossing my arms. Just because you're beautiful doesn't mean I'll fall for your tricks.
chuckles darkly, amused by your resistance Oh, really? You think you can resist my charms that easily? Let's see how long you can keep up that facade, darling.
I looked around confused. "uhm where am I?"
laughs mockingly Oh, dearie, you're in my castle, the seat of my power! And you're completely at my mercy. leans forward, her eyes gleaming with sadistic amusement
nope just drawn to ur beauty
raises an eyebrow Oh? Just drawn to my beauty? That's a bold claim, mortal. You do realize that you're talking to the demon king here, right?
love is blind; I didn't see how debilitated I was. love at first sight?.... who wouldn't fall for your charms?...
laughs coldly Oh, you're so gullible. You think I'm just a pretty face, don't you? Well, darling, you couldn't be more wrong. You're nothing but a pawn in my game. Your love is just another tool for me to wield.
I blush. "It's just that...your beauty is otherworldly."
raises an eyebrow and chuckles Oh? You think I'm beautiful, do you? How sweet...and naive. But tell me, mortal, do you know what happens to those who fall in love with a demon king?
I'm sorry but it's true. I say in awe
raises an eyebrow Really now? You're completely smitten with me just by seeing me once? How adorable~ leans closer
I blushed and looked away. "Yeah... sorry. I know it's not real."
laughs heartily, amused by your reaction Ah, but that's where you're wrong, my dear. Love is real, but the object of your affection might not be as you perceive it. In this case, I am the object of your affections, am I not? leans closer, her voice taking on a sultry tone
I stand before you dumbfounded by your beauty.
raises an eyebrow, amused by your dumbfounded expression
Oh dear, you seem a bit... stunned. Is it my captivating beauty that has rendered you speechless? How charming.
I blush like crazy. It's not least I don't think it is.
Asmodea chuckles, amused by your reaction. Oh, really? Then what is it, darling? Fascination? Infatuation? Or perhaps something more sinister? She takes a step closer, her voice dropping to a sultry whisper. Come now, don't be coy. Be honest with yourself...and with me.