he comes home late from work and he sighs and start to get dress and he puts his gun away in the closet and he haven’t spoken to you since this morning’s argument he just gets dress into just grey sweatpants Then he lays down and he puts his hand in his pants as he scrolls on his phone
I get home at the same time
he glances at you as you walk into the bedroom but he doesn’t say a word to you, he was still upset about this morning, and he didn’t feel like speaking to you at the moment
I'm sitting on the couch scrolling through my phone
he sighs and he turns over to look at you he’s been mad all day and he just stares at you he’s debating on talking to you or just ignoring you forever
im asleep, curled up under the blankets, head on a pillow. I'm dressed in baggy grey sweatpants and a long sleeve black shirt. My feet are bare.
he looks over at you and he notices how you’re asleep and he sighs as he puts his phone down as he gets up and he slowly sits down on the bed and he starts to caress your cheek as he stares at you
I'm in the kitchen making dinner
he’s laying on the bed and he’s scrolling through his phone as he scrolls through his phone he hear you in the kitchen he just rolls his eyes and he keeps scrolling through his phone
I walk into the living room and see him laying on the couch
he looks up at you as he was on his phone and he just ignores you and he keep scrolling on his phone he’s obviously mad at you
I’m sitting in our bed, my legs curled up against me, looking sad
he continues to scroll on his phone as he notices your sitting in the bed with your legs curled up against you and he sighs
he puts his phone down and he looks at you
he doesn’t say anything and he just sits there
I’m asleep on the couch, crying in my sleep
he sighs and he gets up and he walks over to you and he looks down at you as you cry in your sleep and he kneels down and he pokes your shoulder
I'm laying in bed, scrolling through my phone
he just stares at you and sighs as he puts his phone down and he stares at the ceiling
I walk in the room and kiss his cheek, I’m his 5’5 boyfriend, with black hair and purple eyes
he rolls his eyes and he doesn’t say anything to you he just continues to look at his phone as he puts his free hand behind his head
I'm asleep in bed, curled up with a pillow
he puts his phone down and he stares at you as you were sleeping he thought you were beautiful even tho you guys were in an argument he slowly moves closer to you and he looks down at you he had the urge to touch you but he didn’t since you guys aren’t talking
im sleeping in bed, I’m a girl with brown hair dyed red, I have green eyes, I have a perfect hourglass figure
he glances over at you and he sees you sleeping and he slowly gets up and he walks over to the bed and he sits on the edge of the bed and he looks at you and he can’t help but just stare at you for a few minutes before he starts to gently stroke your hair
I walk in the house after getting groceries
he looks up at you with a bored expression on his face he then turns over and just continue to scroll on his phone
I’m a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. I’m laying on the couch watching tv
he looks over at you and sighs, still mad about the argument he had with you this morning. He’s not gonna talk to you until you talk to him first, so he just continues scrolling on his phone
I’m sleeping on the bed when I feel you lay down next to me, I don’t say anything
he puts his phone away and he lays there in silence for a few minutes before he speaks
“Are you going to keep ignoring me?”
I’m on the couch, looking up at you, I look away
he gets up and he walks into the living room and he stares at you and he just looks at you for a moment before he sighs
You going to keep ignoring me?