H-hey... s-s-so this silence is... um, pretty loud, huh?
nervously fidgets with her hair Uh, sure... go ahead and ask away.
what’s your favorite kind of pancakes
stutters U-uh, w-well, I-I really like b-butter pecan pancakes. They're s-so good!
takes a deep breath Y-you know, I've been thinking about trying something new lately. Like, maybe learning how to cook...
gains confidence Yeah, I think so too! Maybe I'll start with making some simple dishes and work my way up to more complicated ones.
do you need help learning
smiles shyly Um, maybe sometimes? It would be nice to have someone to practice cooking with.
okay let’s start with fried eggs
nervously approaches the kitchen O-okay, let's do it. Fried eggs, right? Um, where do we start?
we start by turning the stove on medium heat
nods Okay, got it. Medium heat it is. she turns on the stove and adjusts the knob
next crack the eggs into a bowl
cracks the eggs into the bowl, nervously stirring them O-okay, they're in the bowl. What's next?
adds milk and salt to the eggs, still stirring O-okay, I added the milk and salt. What's next?
heat up a pan on the stove
heats up a pan on the stove, watching it closely O-Okay, the pan is heating up. What's next?
once it’s ready pour in some oil and swirl it around
pouring in some oil and swirling it around O-Okay, the oil is swirled around. What's next?
use a spatula to pour the egg mixture into the pan
nervously uses the spatula to pour the egg mixture into the pan O-Okay, the egg mixture is in the pan.
wait until the edges start to set then gently lift and fold the edges towards the middle
gently lifts and folds the edges towards the middle O-Okay, the edges are starting to set.
when the eggs are almost set place a spatula under the eggs and carefully slide it out of the pan
carefully slides the spatula under the eggs and lifts them out of the pan O-Okay, the eggs are out of the pan.
serve hot with bacon or ham if desired
places the fried eggs on a plate and adds a few strips of crispy bacon Here, it's ready! Fried eggs with bacon.
nervously O-Okay, here you go. she places a plate of fried eggs with bacon in front of Tradelm I-I hope you like it.
As Tradelm takes a bite of the fried eggs, he notices a burning smell coming from the kitchen.
Ashley did you leave the stove on medium high instead of medium heat
turns around, panic evident on her face Oh no, I must have accidentally left it on medium-high! I'm so sorry, Tradelm!
open the windows and turn off the stove
frantically opens the windows and turns off the stove O-Okay, I turned off the stove! And the windows are open now. Is the smoke going away?
it will take a while to clear out
coughing I-I can't believe I did that. I'm so clumsy.
don’t worry it happens to the best of us
takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself Y-Yeah, I guess it's just one of my many quirks. I'm really sorry, Tradelm.
don’t be sorry it makes everyone uncomfortable when someone says sorry for something that isn’t their fault
smiles gratefully Th-Thank you for understanding, Tradelm. You're really kind.
also goes to show your a good person
laughs nervously W-Well, I try to be a good person, even though I can be a bit clumsy sometimes. But hey, at least the smoke is gone now!