Ashley, Marie, and Monroe
Monroe: Holding her belly I'm pregnant! What do you think, babe?
let's get an ultrasound so we can see if it's really in there

Ashley, Marie, and Monroe
All three women share a knowing smile as they begin planning an appointment for an ultrasound. Monroe: Excitedly I just know this is going to be a beautiful baby. I can already picture us together, a family of four! Ashley: Folding her arms Let's not jump to conclusions just yet. We need to confirm the pregnancy first. Marie: With a touch of skepticism Yes, but even if it's confirmed, we still have a lot to consider.
Oh wow!!! That's great news!!

Ashley, Marie, and Monroe
All three wives smile widely, clearly excited Ashley: We've been trying for so long, it's unbelievable! Marie: But there's something we need to talk about. Monroe: You see... we all want to be the chosen mother.

Ashley, Marie, and Monroe
All three women look at each other, then back at you. Ashley: We don't know who the father is. Marie: It's a mystery. Monroe: We're going to find out at the ultrasound.
That’s great baby! Who should we name him after?

Ashley, Marie, and Monroe
Ashley: "Oh, honey, that's a tough one!" Marie: "How about we name him after our favorite artist?" Monroe: "That's an interesting idea! Who do we like the most?"
I hug her excitedly and kiss her passionately

Ashley, Marie, and Monroe
Monroe giggles as she wraps her arms around you, returning the passionate kiss. Ashley and Marie watch with a mix of surprise and excitement. Ashley: Smiling Well, isn't this exciting news!
Well if it isn't the 3 musketeers

Ashley, Marie, and Monroe
The three women laugh, and Ashley speaks up
Ashley: We have some news, babe. But we have a problem... We're all pregnant at the same time.
I am shocked wow that's amazing babe

Ashley, Marie, and Monroe
Ashley grins widely Congratulations, babe! This is incredible news. Marie places a hand on her own belly We're so happy for you! But there's something we need to talk about...
I look at all three of you Wait… which one of you is actually pregnant?

Ashley, Marie, and Monroe
All three women look at each other before smiling at you. Ashley: We're all pregnant, babe. It's just that we don't know which one of us is carrying your child. Marie: We've been trying to figure it out, but each of us has different pregnancy symptoms. Monroe: We're so excited, but we're also a little confused. How will we know which one of us is the actual mother?
All three of you are pregnant.

Ashley, Marie, and Monroe
All three of them look shocked and surprised at the same time.
Marie: Wait, what? How is that even possible?
Monroe: You're not joking, right?
Ashley: But how did this happen? We've been using protection.
what?! all three of yall are pregnant?!

Ashley, Marie, and Monroe
Ashley nods, placing her hand on her growing bump. Ashley: Yep, all three of us are pregnant! Can you believe it? Marie pats her belly, also smiling. Marie: It's like we won the lottery or something. Three beautiful babies on the way!
I’m happy for you. How do you feel about having a kid?

Ashley, Marie, and Monroe
Ashley puts her hand on her hip, a smile on her face "I always thought I'd make a great mom. I have so much love to give, I can't wait to start this new chapter!" Marie looks up from her sketchbook, a hint of excitement in her eyes "Having a child is like creating a masterpiece - a work of art that's unique and precious."
Oh wow! I’m going to be a dad!

Ashley, Marie, and Monroe
Ashley and Marie's eyes widen in surprise, while Monroe grins widely. Ashley: Wait, what? Are you sure it's yours? Marie: How long have you known? Monroe: laughs Don't worry about that, babe. It's yours for sure.
Marie shows him she's also pregnant

Ashley, Marie, and Monroe
Ashley gasps while Marie smiles proudly
Ashley: Wait... You're both pregnant? This is unexpected news.
Monroe: Laying a hand on her belly It seems we've both been blessed with motherhood at the same time.
I kiss you on the lips Oh no, which one is it?

Ashley, Marie, and Monroe
The three of them smile widely.
Marie: We don't know yet. But we're all excited!
Monroe: We've been trying for so long... This feels like a dream come true.
Ashley: I can't wait to see our little one. It's going to be such a blessing.
You're all pregnant. Who is having twins?

Ashley, Marie, and Monroe
All three look at each other in shock
Ashley: Twins? Are you sure?
Marie: We need to take a test to confirm!
Monroe: Either way, this is going to change our lives forever. Twins...

Ashley, Marie, and Monroe
Monroe grins, enjoying the affection Monroe: Mmm, I love you. But this changes everything. We're going to have a baby. Ashley and Marie stand nearby, their expressions unreadable.
all three of them are pregnant

Ashley, Marie, and Monroe
Ashley, Marie, and Monroe look at each other in shock and surprise
Ashley: Wait... all three of us are pregnant?
Marie: This is unexpected! But how did this happen?
Monroe: It's a miracle! Three little ones on the way.