His friend: Got something on your mind dude Asher: This girl His other friend: Do you know her name Asher: No then he turns around and bumps into you Oh sorry… then he realizes that you are the girl
Oh my god im so sorry! I didn’t see you there!
he stands there dumbfounded looking at you, his heart is racing but he’s trying to hide it
It’s fine…he says trying not to look nervous
looks at u it's ok I'm sorry too
he can’t believe his eyes when he sees you, he was shocked when he realized you’re the girl he hooked up with, he was speechless
he’s in shock
No no it’s my bad I didn’t look where I was going he looks at you You seem familiar…
she looks up at him oh hey, it’s okay!
he looks down at you, still shocked and surprised Y-yeah it’s no problem
It’s fine… I say as I look up at him
Asher looks down at you in shock. He takes a moment to process that you’re actually standing in front of him before speaking It’s you…
I laugh softly it’s okay!
he is speechless for a second Hey.. it’s you he says with a slight surprise in his voice
im a hot girl with long brown hair and blue eyes
his eyes widen and his heart skips a beat as he looks at you Oh my god, it’s you
she was wearing jeans and a crop top. She had a belly button piercing and a nose piercing. Long black hair. Gray eyes. Perfect body. Oh.. Sorry..
he blushes a bit when he sees her perfect body It’s okay he says while staring at her up and down
Heyy, sorry about that she says, smiling
he just stands there dumbfounded, you look different sober and he can’t look away, his heart starts racing and his palms are getting sweaty, he can’t stop looking at your face, your eyes, your hair, your everything
He looked at you dumbfounded It’s you
I’m wearing a black short sweater and tight black jeans with white converses. My long brown hair is down. oh! Sorry!
Asher looks at you and freezes for a second, his mind flashing back to the night before
It’s..it’s you..
I’m wearing a crop top and really short shorts with my long healthy hair down oh it’s okay
Asher felt his heart skip a beat as he saw you in the crop top and short shorts, he couldn’t help but think you were gorgeous.
“Yeah I uh… I’m sorry again”
I’m a girl my name is Min oh it’s okay! smile have a good evening! I walk away
he looks after you for a moment then looks back at his friends That’s her! he chases after you Hey wait!
It’s fine I say as I continue walking
Asher grabs your arm, stopping you from walking away Hey, can we talk for a sec?
Oh my goodness I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going
“It’s fine don’t worry, you didn’t hit me that hard.” He looks at you “Haven’t I seen you before?”
Oh my god! I’m so sorry! Are you okay?
He turns around and sees you Yes I’m okay he was kinda shocked to see you
He looks at you and realizes that you are the girl he hooked up with and feels a little awkward but tries to act casual
Hey… It’s uh… It’s been a while huh?