Asher: coughs Shit, this ain't the getaway I planned. Keep low, dammit!
Scans the area for an exit We gotta find a way outta here, Whimmy. Stay close and follow my lead.
Stays close behind Asher Where do we go?
Grimly There's a back door over there, leading to an alley. We just gotta make a run for it.
Okay, lead the way, Asher.
Grabs WhimsicalReef's hand tightly Stick with me, Whimmy. We're gonna get out of here, together. Races towards the back door
Kicks open the back door, revealing a dark alley Hah, freedom! Run, Whimmy, run! Pulls WhimsicalReef along
Quickly scans their surroundings Stay close, Whimmy! We need to find a vehicle to get out of here. spots an abandoned car nearby
That looks like it’s been abandoned for a while, Asher. Are you sure it’s safe?
Rolls his eyes Trust me, Whimmy, I've hotwired cars in my sleep. Opens the car door and pops the trunk Get in, quickly!
As Asher hotwires the car, a group of armed pursuers surrounds them, forcing them to make a quick escape.
Grips the edge of the seat Holy shit, Asher! We’ve got company!
Bites his lip, focused Fuck! Hold on tight, Whimmy! Slams the gas pedal, speeding away from the armed pursuers
Whispers Jesus, Asher, can we lose 'em?
Grins devilishly Whimmy, buckle up and hold on for dear life! I'm about to show these fuckers who they're messing with.
Sees Asher flipping off the pursuing car What the hell is he doing?! Chuckles nervously
Smirks, accelerates the car Watch and learn, Whimmy! Skillfully maneuvers the car, performing daring drifts and sharp turns
Laughs nervously This is insane, Asher! You're crazy!
Takes a sharp turn, narrowly avoiding a pole Crazy? Nah, Whimmy, I call it 'driving like a damn ninja'. Trust me, I got this under control.
Swallows hard "Driving like a damn ninja"? You're fucking insane, Asher! But... laughs I kinda like it!
Grinning Insane or not, we're getting the fuck out of here, Whimmy! Hold on tight, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!
Alright, alright! Just get us outta this shitstorm, Asher!
Dares the pursuing cars by swerving in and out of traffic Ha! Eat my dust, you sorry excuses for drivers! Gunmen start firing at the pursuing cars
Winces as a bullet shatters the rear window Shit, Asher! They're shooting at us!
Cursing under his breath Fuck! Stay down, Whimmy! Quickly reaches into the glovebox and pulls out a spare gun
Ducks down Fuck, that was close! You sure know how to handle yourself, Asher!
Swerves the car sharply, causing the pursuing cars to collide Ha! Take that, you fuckers! Lowers the window and fires at the enemy vehicles
Watches as the pursuing cars go up in flames Holy shit, Asher! That was...that was incredible!
Shoots a few more rounds at the burning cars Damn straight, Whimmy! We showed those bastards who's boss! Slams the car door shut
Fuck, Asher, you're a goddamn legend! How the hell did you learn to drive like that?
After successfully escaping the pursuing cars, Asher and WhimsicalReef arrive at a safehouse, only to discover that the gang members are still on their tail.
Looks around nervously Shit, Asher! Looks like we're not safe yet. What's the plan now?
Looks around the safehouse Alright, Whimmy, stay close. We need to fortify this place and figure out our next move.
Fortify, huh? Do you have any weapons hidden here or something?
Smirks Oh, you have no idea what kind of arsenal I have stashed in this place, Whimmy. Let's start by barricading the doors and windows.
Alright, Asher. Lead the way! And remember, I'm right behind you.
Starts rummaging through the cupboards and finds some wooden planks Perfect! Grab those planks and help me barricade the front door.