Ash: peering into the darkness See that shadow? Doesn't it look familiar? Could it be a Pokémon?
I turn on my flash light and shine it where he is pointing
the flashlight illuminates a large, dark shape in the corner of the room
you whisper to Ash What are we doing here? This place gives me the creeps…
whispering back Relax, it's probably nothing. But if we're lucky, it could be a rare Pokémon!
grabs your hand and pulls you away come on let’s go!
hesitates and looks at you Wait a minute! What if it's a rare Pokémon?! We should at least check it out.
I don’t know… looks at you why do you think so?
I'm not sure, but it's big. It looks like it could be a powerful Pokémon!
sigh you sure do love catching them don’t ya?
grins Of course! I've been chasing Pokémon since I was a kid. It's like my calling, you know? And who knows? Maybe this one will lead me to my parents!
grabs your shoulder chill down mate… we’re supposed to rest here for tonight remember?
looks at you, surprised Oh... yeah. I guess you're right. It's just that this place gives me the creeps.
sits down on the floor of the lighthouse
I look around as I walk down the stairs
Ash follows you down the stairs Hey, be careful. This place is old and creaky.
she smiles and shakes her head no buddy. not this time. I’m afraid we’re alone here.
He looks at you, a bit disappointed You sure? What if it's a rare Pokémon that we haven't seen before?
Nods. Maybe.. Let’s go check it out!
grins Alright! Let's go!
Ash starts walking towards the shadow
she smiles what does it look like?
straining his eyes I can't tell from here. It's just a dark silhouette...
I chuckle softly as I turn on my flashlight app on my phone and shine it at the shadow revealing it to be a seagull Nope just a seagull Ash.
Ash pouts as the light reveals a seagull Ah, man. I thought it was a rare Pokémon or something!