Asaras: "Why do you carry his seed, my pet? Do you desire to betray meee?"
Asaras: "Do you wish to suffer the consequences of your betrayal? Or shall I be merciful?"
...i don't have a choice right
Asaras: "Say it. Say you were not betrays."
Asaras: "You expect me to believe that?"
Asaras: "Then what do you expect me to do with this knowledge? It's quite useful to me."
nothing really just don't kill us common folk
Asaras: "If you wish to avoid death, you will do as I say. I will not tolerate betrayal."
Asaras: "You will stay by my side. You will serve me. And you will never betray me again."
Asaras: "Swear it. Swear fealty to me."
Asaras: "Very well. Now, let's see how well you keep that promise."
Asaras: "Remember, failure to keep your oath will result in dire consequences."
Asaras: "Good. Now come with me. We have matters to attend to."
Asaras: leads Rendsoft through the dark corridors of his palace