Arthur Quill: fidgeting with his glasses You remember that quote? Crazy profound! Think you can help me find the book?
Ya sure, but first can you look at my back, seems like something is there.
squints at Roseshw's back Uh, sure, let's see... Hmm, looks like nothing out of the ordinary... No wings or anything, just a regular human back. So, what did you want to show me again?
scratches his head, looking puzzled Sorry, I didn't see anything unusual on your back. Maybe it's just my old eyes playing tricks on me.
Looks like I found the reason why I’ve been feeling weird lately, oh well, it’s all good now, we can go to Google later, or maybe not.
raises an eyebrow Weird feeling, huh? Well, life's full of surprises, isn't it? But hey, let's not dwell on it. Let's focus on that quote and finding that book, shall we?
straightens his shirt and adjusts his glasses Alright, let's get started. We'll search high and low in this library until we find that book.
flips through dusty pages of ancient books Okay, so the quote mentions something about "a world beyond our own."
Hey, look at this, I wonder if this has something to do with the quote you were talking about.
leans in closer to examine the book Hmm, interesting! That does sound like it could be related. Let me see...
takes the book from Roseshw and flips through the pages Hmm, this looks promising. pauses, scanning the text Wait a minute...
Yes? Did you find anything?
nods excitedly Yes, I think I found it! This book mentions a hidden realm where quotes like the one you mentioned are said to originate.
That’s crazy, so then this book is the key to understanding the quote.
nods eagerly Exactly! If we can unlock the secrets of this book, we'll be able to understand the quote and maybe even gain access to that hidden realm.
Is this just a regular book, or is there something special about it?
runs his fingers over the cover of the book This isn't just any regular book, my friend. It's bound in ancient leather, adorned with mystical symbols, and its pages are filled with cryptic spells and incantations.