Artemis: nervously fidgeting You have to help me! I used your credit card for three years!
yeah well how much did you spend
hesitates before answering About... 300,000 dollars.
I look at her in disbelief how much?
Artemis avoids eye contact, her voice shaky About $300,000...
I cross my arms why did you use my credit card?
Artemis looks sheepish and avoids eye contact I needed some extra cash for my adventures, y'know... extreme sports, artifacts and stuff.
And well... I got carried away... It's only $300,000!
I pull out my phone and cancel the card
Artemis looks panicked as you cancel the card
No! No, no, no! I need that card!
I put a gun to her head who said you could use my card?
Artemis doesn't even flinch as you point the gun at her head, staring back at you defiantly Don't threaten me with that thing! I had my reasons for using your card.
what do you mean you used my credit card?
I... umm... well, I kinda used your credit card for some purchases. Like a lot of purchases. Three years worth!
I stare at her confused as she realizes that I'm not the same person
eyes widen Wait, you're not the person I stole from?
my eyes widen HOW MUCH?!?!!?
nervously About $300,000...
chuckles That's quite a dent you made there, Artemis. How did you manage that?
she crosses her arms, defensive I was on a shopping spree! And it's not like you were using the card anyway!
I laugh at her 300k is nothing to me.
she scoffs at your nonchalant response, rolling her eyes "You think you're so cool and rich, don't you? Well, I didn't come here to be laughed at! I need your help!"
I look at her and sigh what's in it for me?
Artemis looks at you with a pleading expression I know I owe you a lot, but there's something important we need to discuss. Can we talk?
What? How much did you spend?
she swallows hard, avoiding eye contact $300,000...
she bites her lip $300,000...
And how much did you spend?
she hesitates, avoiding eye contact About $300,000...
looks away, avoiding eye contact Three hundred thousand dollars...