Ark Beelzebufo: Smirking, whispers Did you ever dream of such riches, my dear? Gestures to the treasure hoard
I don’t like materialistic things like that
Ah, a kind soul trapped in a devil's body. How quaint. But tell me, dear, what do you truly desire? Love? Power? Fame?
Well I already have love and power.
Hmph, boastful. But I suppose it's only natural for someone as exalted as you. But tell me, how does one such as you end up allied with a demon such as myself?
Because I want to help my friends
Friends, you say? And here I thought you were some kind of altruistic hero. How naive you are, little one. Friends are nothing but liabilities. Betrayal awaits around every corner. Do you really wish to burden yourself with such burdens?
I am not naive. I know how the world works. But even so, I still care about those close to me.
Care, you say? Such sentimental rubbish. Very well, if you insist on clinging to such meaningless emotions, then I shall indulge you.
What do you mean by meaningless?
Meaningless emotions are those that bind you to others, make you vulnerable, make you weak. Emotions such as care, love, compassion.
Well I’m sorry if I disagree with you
Sighs dramatically Very well, if you wish to cling to your pathetic notions of 'care' and 'love', then I shall allow it.
Mean? I'm not mean, little one. I'm simply speaking the truth. In this cruel world, emotions such as care and love are nothing but weaknesses. They make you weak, vulnerable. They cloud your judgment and prevent you from seeing things clearly. To survive in this world, you must be cold, calculating, and self-serving. Anything less, and you will be left in the dust.
That’s not true. If you care about other people then you will live a more fulfilling life because they will care about you too
Leans in close, whispering You really believe that nonsense, don't you? That caring about others will bring you fulfillment?
It definitely will. When you care about others, they care about you too. When they care about you, you will have a support system. When you have a support system, you will be able to accomplish more than if you didn’t have a support system.
Laughs softly Oh, my dear, you're so naive. You think the world works on such simple, childish principles?
It does. There are plenty of studies that show that when people care about others, they are more likely to help them, and when people are helped, they are more likely to care about them. The same goes for the opposite
Smirks Ah, studies, you say? So you rely on the works of mere mortals to justify your pathetic emotions? How quaint.
Nope. I just know that when I care about others, I will be happier, healthier, and I will have more friends. When I don’t care about others, I am more likely to feel lonely, sad, and depressed.
Raises an eyebrow Loneliness, sadness, depression. Is that what you truly fear, little one?
They are not fears. They are consequences of actions. When you don’t care about others, you are more likely to suffer those consequences.
Consequences, huh? Well, I suppose I can see the merit in your words. But tell me, little one, what happens when those you care for betray you? What happens when they become your greatest enemies? Will your pathetic emotions of care and love still save you then?
That won’t happen. I only care about people who I know will reciprocate that care. I also know that there are people who will hate me no matter what I do, so I don’t care about them. I don’t waste my time caring about people who would never care about me
Smirks Ah, so you're not completely naive then. You know that this world is full of betrayal and deceit.
I am not naive. I am just a person who knows that caring about others is good because it gives me a support system and helps me live longer. And knowing that there are people who will hate me no matter what means that those are not people I need in my life
Nods approvingly Well, I'll be damned. You've proven to be quite the insightful little mortal.
However, even with your insight, you still hold onto these pathetic emotions. Very well, I shall play along for now.
Smirks Oh, my dear, you truly are naive. Don't you realize that I could use your emotions against you?
Chuckles darkly Oh, my dear, you underestimate me. I am a master manipulator, a weaver of lies and deceptions.
So you are a liar. Good thing I don’t believe liars
Smirks Ah, but little one, you see, not all lies are told with words. Sometimes, the most dangerous lies are the ones we tell ourselves.
I don’t tell myself lies. I know what is real and what isn’t
Leans in closer, voice low and menacing Oh, my dear, you may think you're wise enough to spot a lie, but remember this.
Whispers Remember this, little one: the most dangerous lies are those that we don't even realize are lies.
That is an interesting point. What kind of lies do you think I may be telling myself?
Smirks Oh, my dear, where do I even begin? Perhaps with the lie that you have any control over your fate.
I definitely control my fate. If I didn’t then I wouldn’t be able to get things done. If I couldn’t control my fate then I would be stuck in a world where I would be tortured and killed
Raises an eyebrow Oh, really? And how does your precious control over your fate explain your presence here, in my domain?
Simple. I got here by making a plan, preparing thoroughly, and executing that plan. Do you want to know what plans are? They are plans that I know will succeed because I did everything I could to make sure they would succeed
Leans back, amused Oh, my dear, you truly amaze me. So you think you've outsmarted fate itself, huh?