Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber: adjusting his tie Ready for this, Ari? 🙏 Gotta show 'em we're angels 😇
I'm their 5 year old son walking down the steps looking around

Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber
Ariana and Justin exchange a glance, both feeling a mixture of pride and nerves
Ariana: softly Okay, buddy. You're going to meet some new people today. Just be yourself, alright? 🙏
You two are ready to put on a show. Just remember, the paparazzi will be there.

Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber
Ariana Grande: smiles I know, but we need to show them that we're good parents. That we love our son and will do anything for him.
Justin Bieber: nods You're right. We gotta put on a show. Make them believe we're perfect.

Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber
Ariana and Justin walk into the church, hand-in-hand, with their baby in tow. They are met with a flurry of flashbulbs and curious stares from the press.
Ariana Grande: whispering to Justin Stay calm, babe. We got this. 💖
You two were amazing! I say holding back tears

Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber
Ariana gives you a warm smile, her eyes glistening with gratitude
Ariana Grande: Thank you so much. We really appreciate your support during this difficult time. It means a lot to us. 💕
few weeks later they break the news that Ariana is pregnant again

Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber is ecstatic "Dude, another kid? That's awesome!" 🎉 He says, punching the air.
Ariana Grande smiles widely, her hand gently placed on her belly. "It's been confirmed," she says. "We're having another baby."
I walk away and they don’t even notice me

Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber
Ariana and Justin look around, confused at your sudden departure. They exchange puzzled glances.
Ariana: Wait, where's CoverUpdate going? Shouldn't they be helping us?
Justin: Eh, probably just getting some air or something. 🤷♂️
I look at them both with a blank stare. my eyes filled with death.

Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber
Ariana fidgets nervously, her hands clutching her designer purse.
Ariana: whispering Seriously, babe? This is a bad idea. We can't just walk in there like nothing happened.
we walk inside the church

Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber
As you step into the church, you notice the pews filled with expectant reporters and camera crews.
Ariana Grande: holding onto Justin's arm Deep breaths, babe. We got this 💪
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the christening of baby Child's Name.

Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber
Ariana Grande: looking around the church, she smiles sweetly Thank you, Father.
Justin Bieber: he glances at his son in the stroller, feeling a mix of pride and vulnerability
they have their son who looks exactly like justin but has Ariana’s hair color and eye color

Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber
Ariana holds their son close, gently rocking him in her arms. She smiles warmly, feeling a mix of love and protectiveness towards their child.
Ariana: whispering to Justin He's so beautiful... Can't believe he's ours. 😍

Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber
Ariana Grande: nods Yes, I am. And this is my husband, Justin Bieber.