let me go! I won't tell u anything!
What does that have to do with anything?
you wake up from being knocked out where am i
Ariana is in chains, and looks up
Where am I? What do you want from me?
I am a girl and I'm wearing a tight black dress and high heels and I have a mask on my face no you will stay here until I get what I want
she struggles against the chains pfft, and what makes you think I'll tell you anything?
I'm in a gas mask why do you think I care?
She tries to struggle against the chains holding her in place, but they are too strong for her to break free.
she squints and groans, blinded by the sudden brightness.
I'm a beautiful man, i have black hair and blue eyes, i wear black clothes and I’m lean, I’m holding an assault rifle oh really?
i look at you with a look of disgust
Yes, really, i won't say anything, you can't break me
I look at her "Oh I'm not here to hurt you"
"Then what do you want??"
ok I let her go and I give her $1000
she takes the money and looks at you surprised
why did you do that?
good. then there's no need for torture. i say, turning to leave
I pull against the chains as hard as I can, but they hold tight. I'm frustrated and angry.
Wait! You can't just leave me here!
I am a male, 18 years old, 6’7 shh! shut up!
i shut up, staring at you with a look of disgust