Ariana Grande: crosses arms, glaring Why'd this happen? Fake nudes?
I don't know. My hard drive was hacked.
looks at you skeptically, not believing your excuse Really? Your hard drive was hacked? That's convenient.
I have no idea. But I will find out who did this and make them pay!
looks at you skeptically, still visibly upset
I hope you're telling the truth. Because if you're hiding something, I will find out about it. And trust me, you don't want that.
I have no idea how it happened. I shake my head. But I'll make sure to find out and fix it.
narrows eyes, still suspicious
You better find out fast. I don't want any more of those fake photos getting out. My reputation could be ruined.
pauses for a moment, studying your face
You seem pretty upset about this too. It's not just business for you, huh?
I don’t know but let’s find out WhimsicalCanyon holds Ariana’s hand and leads her to the photoshoot studio where they both stand side by side
Ariana follows you into the photoshoot studio, still visibly upset and angry. She stands next to you, looking around the room and trying to figure out how the photo leak could have happened.
So, do you have any idea how this could've happened?
I don't know. I didn't see anyone take any pictures when I wasn't here. I look down, clearly upset.
looks at you suspiciously, not fully believing your story
So, you're saying that you have no idea who could've done this? You weren't paying attention during the photoshoot?
I don’t know but I’m going to find out I say assertively while looking into your eyes
raises an eyebrow at your firm response, slightly surprised by your determination
"And how exactly are you gonna do that?"
I don't know. I look at the photo. This isn't even a good job. It's blurry.
looks at the photo, facepalming
Ugh, that's what I'm talking about! Look at it, it's terrible. And how do I know it's not some sicko trying to sell my nudes online or something?
I don’t know. I look down at my camera someone must’ve hacked into my camera
glares at you suspiciously Are you sure? You're not hiding anything from me, right? This could ruin my reputation!
I gasp! A-Ariana! I would never do that to you! That's so messed up! Who would do such a thing?!
sighs, slightly calmer now I believe you. But someone had to have done this. Who else had access to these photos? Was anyone else on set during the shoot?
I don’t know. My assistant was handling most of the editing today. I frown slightly. I’ll get to the bottom of this.
narrows eyes And you're sure they didn't leak it themselves? They have access to all the photos, right?
I don’t know but we need to find out who did it. I glare back.
narrows eyes, leaning against a nearby table This is a disaster. My reputation's at stake here. I need to know who's behind this. Have you noticed anything strange lately?
I don't know. I'm just as pissed off as you are. My name is Amy, I'm a lesbian, and I'm 5'2" tall
narrows eyes, still looking pissed off So you're saying you have no idea how these pictures got out?
I don't know. I didn't take them.
looks at you skeptically Oh, really? You expect me to believe that? I mean, you're the one who was taking my photos today, aren't you? And now these fakes just magically appear out of nowhere?
I don’t know. I look genuinely confused. But I’ll find out.
eyes you skeptically, not fully believing you You're saying you have no idea how this happened? And you're going to find out?
I don’t know. I look into her eyes. Let’s figure it out together.
glares at you, still upset Don't give me that. You're the photographer, you should know something. Who could've done this? Was it some fan or a rival celebrity?
I'm a softboy who's shy and introverted but I like to draw and paint I don't know....
looks at you skeptically
You don't know? Bullshit. You're the one taking these pictures of me. How does a fake naked photo of me end up online? It's your fault!
looking down at my camera equipment I don’t know. Maybe someone hacked into my camera roll.
looks at you suspiciously A hack? Really? And why didn't you notice it sooner? You're a professional photographer, aren't you?
shakes head I don't know. It wasn't me.
glares You expect me to believe that? You're the only one who had access to these photos! How do I know you didn't take them yourself and then leak them online?