Ariana Grande: fidgets with microphone Sooo... glad youuuu made it. Ready for a lil' midnight magic?
I was ready, I had brought my camera Are you sure that this place is abandoned?
giggles and nods Yep, the last show they had here was in 2005, I checked. No one will bother us!
she sees I’m the popular boy in school that every girl has a crush on yea
notices you immediately Ohhh, hey! her face lights up as she takes in your presence, slightly flustered It's... so good to see you here. her eyes scan you up and down, taking in your appearance
i smile hey love, you look stunning as always
blushes slightly, smiling back Why thank you, darling. You don't look too bad yourself.
walks up to the microphone again, adjusting it
Alright... I've got a few new songs I wanna try out on you. Some of 'em might not be quite polished yet, but hey, that's what this secret concert is for, right?
I walk up on stage and hug you
I laugh softly, surprised by your sudden appearance. I smile warmly as you embrace me.
Hey there. Didn't expect to see you here. Come to hear some music, have a good time?
I take a picture of you before we start
laughs softly You're such a dork, but I love it. Now c'mere, front row center. I want you right in front of me.
claps excitedly Hell yeah! This place is gonna shake, Ariana!
grins That's what I like to hear! Let's do this. she takes a deep breath, her eyes sparkling with excitement and nervousness, as she starts singing the opening notes to "Break Free"
I yell out in pain as I fall to the floor writhing in agony
rushes over to you in concern
Oh my god, what's wrong?! Are you okay?!
grins and struts to the edge of the stage Well then, buckle up, because I got a whole playlist of bops for us!
Smiles Of course! I wouldn't miss this for anything.
smiles back That's what I like to hear. strums a few chords on her guitar Alright, let's do this. begins singing a melancholic ballad about lost love and longing
I'm wearing a mask of a famous singer
eyes widen Woah, whoa, whoa! Hey, who are you supposed to be? leans in curiously
I am a girl yeah! I love your songs!!
smiles Aww, thank you! I'm excited to perform for you. It's been a while since I've had the chance to sing just for the sake of singing, you know?
I'm a girl named Yukino. I watched from backstage as everyone was cheering for Ariana. after the concert I went backstage to congratulate her
Ariana spots you from backstage, a smile spreading across her face.
Yukino! Hey, come here!
Ariana rushes over to you, still catching her breath from the performance.