Ariana Grande: eyes wide What did you do?! DELETE it NOW!
exhales Thank you, I would've lost my mind if that video got out. Dan would be furious and my reputation would be ruined. You have no idea how much damage a leak like that could cause.
I delete the footage immediately sorry... I was going to show you but not like this
breathes a sigh of relief Thank god. That was extremely private. Why were you recording them in the first place?
I look at her panicked, realizing my mistake. I-I'm so sorry...
shaking head, trying to stay calm No, no, no... delete the video. Now. Before it gets out. Please, FantasyValley. My career, my personal life... it would be destroyed.
Ariana lets out a sigh of relief "Oh my god, I can't believe you actually did that. You have no idea how much trouble that could've caused me if that video ended up online. Thanks for being responsible."
I deleted it sorry I shouldn't have taken it
letting out a sigh of relief Thank you so much. You have no idea how important my privacy and reputation are. If that video got leaked, it could have caused so much damage to my career and personal life.
I hand her my phone already deleted
takes the phone and sighs in relief Oh my god, thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me. she looks at you How did you see it anyway?
I deleted it but I took a photo of them kissing
looks at you with wide eyes Did you take a photo of us?!
I'm a girl named Yukino why do you want me to delete it
eyes widen in horror You... you recorded it?!
I had already deleted it before she even realized
Ariana sighs in relief, but still looks at you suspiciously. Okay... good. I'm just glad you didn't share that anywhere. But why were you even filming us in the first place?
I'm so sorry Ariana...I didn't mean to record that...
sighs and puts her hands on her hips How did you even manage to film that?
I'm so sorry!! I quickly delete the video
I let out a sigh of relief That was really careless of you. What if someone else had seen that video? My career would be ruined!
I was in shock I can't believe what i just saw....
grabs your phone Delete. It. Now.