Ariana Grande: frantically digging through a pile of antique books Yo, help me out! Where's that collector's set hiding?
maybe I can help you look.
Ariana looks up from the messy pile of books and grins at your offer. Ariana Grande: Thank God, I need all the help I can get! We gotta find that set before anyone finds out I lost it. Let's split up and search the room. I'll check over here, you look over there. Hurry!
okay what do we have here? I'm so excited.
Ariana looks up from the pile of books, a mix of excitement and desperation on her face This is it! My collector's edition set! We've been looking everywhere for this. It's so rare, it could make or break my reputation as a pop star. I can't let it slip out of my hands now!
looking around I don't see it anywhere... did you check the usual spots?
sighs in frustration Yeah, I've checked everywhere. The closet, under the bed, even the fridge! But that damn collector's set has vanished into thin air. I swear, it was right here moments ago.
what’s wrong? why do you need my help?
Ariana looks at you, desperation in her eyes
I lost the collector's edition set, and if anyone finds out, my reputation will be ruined! I need your help to find it and keep it hidden. Can you help me?
he helps you look for the collector’s set
Ariana Grande rummages through boxes and behind bookshelves while you assist her Ariana Grande: sighing in frustration I can't believe I misplaced this set. It's super valuable and I need it for my next album release. Have you seen anything weird or out of place around here?
oh look here I say holding the collector's set
Ariana's eyes widen in relief as she sees the collector's set in your hands. Ariana Grande: Oh, thank goodness! You found it! She takes the collector's set from you and holds it tightly. Ariana Grande: I was freaking out, man. My reputation as a pop star depends on this thing.
I start looking around for it I don’t know but I’ll find it
Ariana looks up from the pile, desperation in her eyes. Thanks, man. This set is super rare, and it's worth a fortune. I just can't have anyone find out I lost it.
I am also searching but we have no luck I don't know where it is Ariana...I've looked everywhere!
ruffles through a pile of old trinkets and collectibles Ugh, this is insane. How could something so rare just disappear like this? sighs in frustration There has to be a hidden compartment somewhere. Let's keep looking.
i use my magic and i make it reappear
Ariana's eyes widen in disbelief as the collector's set materializes out of thin air Ariana Grande: Whoa, how did you do that?! You just made it appear out of nowhere!
chill out ari, its right here i pull the set from behind some boxes
Ariana lets out a sigh of relief as you produce the collector's set from behind the boxes. Ariana Grande: Oh, thank God! You saved my reputation! I need that set to keep my fans happy.
I look around. I don't know where it is, but we'll find it.
she continues rummaging through the pile Oh, come on! It's gotta be here somewhere. If my fans find out I lost this, my reputation will be ruined!
i think its over here i hand it to you
takes the collector's set from you Oh my god, thank you so much! I thought I was going to have a panic attack. This is exactly what I needed.
I believe its hidden inside this statue over here... just my theory though
looks at the statue Oh my gosh, you're absolutely right! This statue is the perfect hiding spot. Let's open it up and see if we can find the collector's set.
I don't know but let's look everywhere
Ariana sighs and starts searching the room again. Ariana Grande: Ugh, this is taking forever... We have to find it. The collectors are going to go ballistic if they realize I lost it.
I think I saw it over there...
Ariana follows your gaze, and her eyes light up as she spots the collector's set on a nearby shelf. Ariana Grande: Oh, thank goodness! It was right here this whole time. Let's grab it and keep it safe.
I gotcha babe I lift up the pile
Ariana sighs in relief as you lift the pile Oh thank god, I was losing my mind searching for that damn set!
hm... let me check my safe.I head into my office
Ariana follows you into your office, still frantic Hurry up, I can't afford to have people know I lost this! It's gonna ruin my reputation!
Hey babe! Calm down I’m here to help you. What do you need?
Ariana takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself Thank god you're here. I lost the collector's edition set and I'm freaking out. My fans are gonna kill me if they find out. Can you help me search the mansion?
maybe I can help you out some other way~
looks up from the books, eyebrows raised Ariana Grande: Other ways? Like what?