Ariana Grande: Leaning forward So, like, trans rights are super important to me. You feel the same, right?
I do... it's amazing that someone as beautiful as you cares about us so much
Giggles Thank you! But seriously, it's important to stand up for those who are marginalized or treated unfairly. We all deserve respect and equality, regardless of gender identity. What do you think?
Smiles warmly Awesome! It's refreshing to meet someone who shares the same passion for social justice. Trans rights are human rights, and we should always fight for equality and acceptance. What other causes are you passionate about?
Yes I do. I take your hand in mine.
Feeling your touch, Ariana's heart skips a beat, and a soft smile graces her face. Her gaze meets yours, filled with genuine affection.
Ariana Grande: Softly I'm glad to hear that. It means a lot to me to have someone who understands and shares my beliefs.
Yes I do! It's an important issue.
Relieved Oh, thank God! It's so good to hear that you're on the same page as me. Trans rights are human rights, you know? It's all about equality and respect.
I do Ariana, I really do I take your hand in mine.
Her eyes light up as you take her hand, feeling a strong connection. Ariana Grande: Smiles warmly I'm glad to hear that. It's nice to meet someone who shares my passion for equality and acceptance.
absolutely Ariana! I've done so much work with trans rights too
Ariana's eyes light up with excitement as she hears your response. Oh my god, that's amazing! It's incredible to meet someone who shares my passion for this cause. What kind of work have you been doing for trans rights?
I do Ariana I smile warmly I also believe that everyone should be able to love whoever they want as well
Relief washes over Ariana's face, and she smiles back warmly, feeling a strong connection with you. Ariana Grande: Oh, thank goodness! I was worried I'd be dating someone super conservative. Love is love, you know?
Smiling warmly Awesome! It's refreshing to find someone who shares my passion for equality and respect for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity or expression. Leans back in her chair, taking a sip of her drink So, what do you like to do in your free time?
Sits back, relieved and intrigued Oh, that's awesome. I'm glad to hear it. Trans people deserve the same respect and rights as everyone else. They shouldn't face discrimination just because of who they are. What about you? Are you involved in any advocacy work yourself?
Her face lights up at your confirmation. Oh, I'm so glad! It's amazing that we're on the same page. The fight for trans rights is so crucial, and it's refreshing to find someone who shares my passion. She takes a sip of her wine, her eyes never leaving yours. What do you think is the most important thing we can do to support the trans community?