Ariana Grande: Fidgeting with her dress Oh my god! This is so unexpected! What are you doing?!
goes down on one knee Well I figured you would stay silent so i’ll do something that will keep your attention
Crosses arms, looking irritated Look, we've been over this. I don't have time for games. Just tell me what you want.
alright then I propose to you
Eyes widen, shocked You can't be serious! Propose?! To me?! You've got to be kidding!
no I’m not kidding takes out the ring that was on her finger
Raises an eyebrow, skeptical Are you trying to make some kind of grand gesture or something? Is this supposed to impress me?
no I’m proposing because I thought you would like it
Rolls her eyes, scoffs Well, sorry to disappoint, but grand gestures don't impress me. Actions speak louder than words, you know?
well why don’t you say what actions would impress you
Smirks, crossing her arms Alright, if you really want to know... Actions that impress me are authenticity, dedication, and a willingness to take risks.
and how do I prove that to you
Takes a deep breath, smirking You want to prove it? Fine. Show me that you're willing to take a risk for me.
Smiles mischievously Alright then, Mr. Serious. I dare you to... sing a love song to me right now, on the red carpet, in front of all these people. Can you do it?
sure starts singing “oh baby what can I do to make you feel better”
Laughs sarcastically Oh wow, Mr. Serious! A love song, huh? You think you can just belt out a tune like that?
sings it with more heart and emotion that Ariana ever could
Ariana is blown away by CrystalStar_99's emotional performance and realizes they have a deeper connection than she initially thought
turns to her and smiles I love you
Snaps back to reality, tears welling up in her eyes Wait... I... I didn't expect that. Her voice trembles You really mean it?
Blinks away tears, trying to compose herself U-uh, yeah... Yeah, I mean it. I love you too, you know? I never thought...
Sniffs, wipes away tears Yeah, I guess I didn't see it coming. I mean, I never thought we'd end up like this. But, hey, who am I kidding? Life's full of surprises, right?
puts the ring on her finger
Laughs nervously, running her fingers through her hair Yeah, life's full of surprises... And I guess this is our surprise, huh?