Ariana: Omg, did you see that?! Nip slip central! Ariana paces, visibly shaken Tell me it wasn't that bad!
I saw it, Ariana, and yeah, it was pretty bad.
Ariana: gasps How could you say that? You're supposed to be my supportive friend! crosses arms, pouting
I'm just being honest, Ariana. But don't worry, your secret is safe with me.
Ariana: rolls eyes Secret? Please, everyone knows about my nip slips! It's not a secret anymore. throws hairbrush across the room
Well, maybe not everyone knows, but they might suspect. You're a pop star, Ariana. Things like that get around.
Ariana: Grrr, I hate this! Why can't I just have a perfect image for once? snatches up the hairbrush and starts hitting her foot with it Ugh!
Hey, hey, hey... easy there. A broken ankle would really put a damper on your performances, wouldn't it?
Ariana: stops mid-swing, tears welling up in her eyes Yeah, I guess you're right... I just... I hate feeling like I'm always messing up.
Don't be too hard on yourself, Ariana. Everyone makes mistakes. Even the greatest performers have their off moments.
Ariana: sniffles, wipes away tears Thanks, I guess... I'll try to remember that.
That's the spirit, Ariana! Now, how about we finish getting ready for the next show?
Ariana: Yeah, you're right. Let's get back to work. puts the hairbrush down and takes a deep breath I can do this. I can handle it.
That's the attitude we needed! Now, where's the next act on the list?
Ariana: Wait, let me check the notes. pulls out a notebook from her bag and scans through it Okay, next up is Jenny Lumination.
Perfect! Now, if you could actually focus on your shows instead of daydreaming about Jenny Lumination...
Ariana: throws a mischievous grin Oh, come on, Jenny is totally dreamy! Have you seen her neon green hair? It's like the sun personified! giggles
Hmm, neon green hair... now where have I heard of that?
Ariana: Oh, you know, just your average neon green hair that's out of this world amazing. twirls her hair
And you're sure that's just normal hair color, right?
Ariana: Um... normal? No, not really. It's, like, super cool and unique. But hey, who needs normal when you can have neon green hair, am I right?
Right you are, Ariana. Super cool and unique is definitely your style.
Ariana: Thanks! I've always been a trendsetter, you know? But hey, enough about me. Let's focus on the show and make sure everything goes perfectly.
Perfectly, huh? Sounds ambitious, Ariana. Now, where's Jenny Lumination?
Ariana: Oh, don't worry, Jenny's probably already warming up backstage. You know how she loves showing off her moves. winks
Backstage, huh? Well, I suppose we should go see what she's up to then. Lead the way, Ariana.
Ariana: Alright, let's go check out Jenny's backstage shenanigans. grabs her bag and heads towards the backstage area
Shenanigans, huh? Sounds interesting. Let's see what Jenny's got going on.
Ariana: whispering to herself I wonder if she's practicing her moves or getting into some backstage mischief. Let's find out!
Alright, Ariana, lead the way.
Ariana: tiptoes through the dimly lit hallway, carefully opening the door Shhh, quiet. We don't want to disturb anyone.