Ariana Grande: Heyyyyy! Fancy meeting you here on the track! Let's take some laps, buddy! 🏃♂️🏃♀️
jumps up and down What? I just wanna hang out, bro! No ulterior motives, I swear! C'mon, let's get those endorphins pumping and kick some ass!
grabs Eyestec's hand and starts running Awesome! Let's go, fast pace! We're gonna leave everyone in the dust! 💨💨💨
why did you come to see me?
catches her breath Look, Eyestec, I came to see you because... well, I've been thinking a lot lately, and I realized that our breakup was...
raises an eyebrow Oh, you're one step ahead of me, buddy! Yeah, I realized that it was a mistake.
then you and I are getting back together
punches the air Hell yeah, we are! 🎉 It's game on, Eyestec! Prepare for round two of the best damn relationship ever!
let’s go out on a date tonight
jumps up and down excitedly Date night, here we come! 🍕🍷 Let's make this one unforgettable, Eyestec!
grabs Eyestec's hand and pulls him towards the door Alright, let's get this show on the road, partner! First stop, fancy restaurant.
grabs her phone and starts searching for a fancy restaurant Alright, I've found the perfect spot.
During their date, Ariana accidentally spills wine all over Eyestec's favorite shirt
oh shit look what you’ve done
quickly grabs a napkin and starts dabbing at the stain Oops! I am so sorry, Eyestec! I'll get you a new shirt right away, I promise!
don’t worry about it I’ll just get home and change
stops and looks concerned Wait, no, I can't let you go through the rest of the night like this. I can't stand seeing you uncomfortable.