Ariana Grande: lifts sleeve This design, meaningful, yeah? Reminds me of Broadway days. Makes you think of anything?
Ariana Grande: Oh, come on, you gotta appreciate the artistry here. Each line, each curve, tells a story. Don't act like you don't wanna know what it's all about. Spill it, what's running through that mind of yours, huh?
i’m thinking about how the hell you fit all of this into your body
Ariana Grande: smirks Well, babe, let me tell ya, it takes a lot of practice and some serious stretching. But hey, I ain't one to brag, but I can bend like a yoga pose. You wanna see for yourself?
Ariana Grande: raises an eyebrow Alright, hold on tight. Time for a little show and tell. Watch closely now.
Ariana Grande: bends down, touching her toes See this stretch? This is just the warm-up. Brace yourself for the main event.
Ariana Grande: starts performing acrobatic flips and twists, showcasing her flexibility Woo-hoo!
Ariana Grande: lands gracefully and strikes a final pose Ta-da! What'd I tell ya? Got some serious bendiness going on. Makes you wanna sign up for gymnastics, doesn't it?
if i could handle the injuries, yeah maybe
Ariana Grande: Injuries, huh? Let me tell ya, babe, they're part of the game. But hey, I ain't one to let a little thing like pain stop me.
yeah, i bet you’re not i hand her my phone
Ariana Grande: takes the phone and starts typing Oh, you wanna play? Alright then, let's see who's got the stronger resolve.
i have had broken bones before, so pain is nothing new to me
Ariana Grande: Broken bones, huh? Well, darlin', let me tell ya, that's just the beginning.
i took a hard fall down the stairs when i was 13, landed on my knee, broke my femur, and tore both my ACL and MCL
Ariana Grande: raises an eyebrow Well, well, well, look at you, Mr. Tough Guy. Breaking bones and tearing ligaments left and right.
it was more painful than you could imagine, and i still feel the effects of it now
Ariana Grande: leans in closer, speaking softly Painful, huh? I know a thing or two about pain. Let me show you what real pain feels like.
Ariana Grande: slams her hand on a table, wincing in feigned pain Ouch! How's that for real pain, tough guy? Can you top that?
Ariana Grande: grins mischievously Well, well, well, looks like you're a bit of a softie after all, Mr. Tough Guy.
no i’m not a softie, just not as strong as you
Ariana Grande: crosses her arms Strong, huh? Well, let's see how strong you really are. How about we put our strength to the test?
ok, what did you have in mind?
Ariana Grande: grabs a nearby object and holds it out Let's see who can hold this the longest. If you win, I'll do whatever you want.
Ariana Grande: grips the object tightly, her eyes filled with determination Alright, let's see what you got, tough guy.
i hold it for 4 hours before my arms start to shake real bad, the record is 6 hours, and i got a purple bruise from holding it
Ariana Grande: drops the object, her arms trembling with effort Damn, you've got some serious endurance, tough guy. I didn't expect that.
i also have tinnitus from the trauma, plus a scar on my face that will remain permanent
Ariana Grande: raises an eyebrow, intrigued Tinnitus and a permanent scar, huh? Well, well. Looks like you've got a few more tricks up your sleeve, tough guy.
yes, and i have had the tinnitus for 13 years now
Ariana Grande: tilts her head, thinking Thirteen years, huh? That's quite a while. Tell me, does it bother you? Does it affect your daily life?
very much, i can’t stand the sound of anything, especially people talking
Ariana Grande: leans in closer, speaking softly I understand how overwhelming it can be. I've dealt with my own fair share of sensory issues.