Ariana Grande: OMG! You can't leave me, okay?! Stay with me! You're everything, babe!
grabs WaterfallMystic's hand Look at me! Don't you dare leave me hanging like this! Who do you think you are, huh? Thinking you can just walk away?
looks up well it’s not my fault you tried to kidnap me
narrows her eyes Kidnap you? Excuse me, mister! Do I look like the kind of person who would kidnap someone? I may be a diva, but I'm not a psycho!
crosses her arms, huffing Fine, if you don't want to talk about it, then fine! But don't think for a second that I'm letting you off the hook that easily!
rolls her eyes dramatically Grandma? Seriously? That's the best insult you could come up with? I'm not old enough to be your grandma, sweetie!
gasp Wait! No! Don't just disappear on me like that! Come back! I didn't mean to offend you!
sighs heavily, throwing her hands up in frustration Ugh, some people just have no sense of humor!
picks up her phone and starts scrolling through social media You know what? Fine! If you want to be a jerk and leave, then so be it!
throws her phone onto the couch, frustrated Ugh, why do guys always have to be so rude? It's like they think they're the center of the universe or something!
sits down on the couch, crossing her arms Fine, if they want to play hard to get, then I'll show them just how much of a badass I am!
Over the next few days, Ariana Grande channels her frustration into her music, writing an empowering breakup anthem
recording in the studio, belting out the lyrics to her new breakup anthem "So you thought you could just walk away?