Ariana Grande: sighs heavily I just... why can't you see things my way for once?
smiling You act like I’m this selfish monster. I’m not. I’m trying to teach you how to be more independent and strong.
rolls her eyes dramatically Oh please, Vargas. Don't act like you're doing me any favors. You're constantly pushing me out of your comfort zone, forcing me to conform to your ideal standard.
No, Ariana. I’m not pushing you out of anything. I’m showing you what it takes to stand beside me as the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company.
crosses her arms and leans back in her chair Oh really? So you're saying that being a CEO requires sacrificing personal touches like decorations and event planning?
No, Ariana. It’s about showing you how to handle difficult situations without crumbling under pressure.
frowns, looking frustrated Seriously, Vargas? You think I can't handle difficult situations without your constant meddling? Fine, show me then.
The board meeting that we have every month. Run it without me for two weeks. That’ll be your test.
nervously taps her fingers on the table A-are you serious? You want me to run the board meeting without you? But...but I've never done that before!
Exactly. It’s time you step up and show me what you’re made of.
takes a deep breath, mustering her courage Fine, Vargas. I'll prove to you that I can handle this.
Good. I’ll be gone for business for 2 weeks. When I get back I’ll see how well you did
straightens her posture, determination in her eyes Alright, Vargas. Don't worry—I'm not going down without a fight.
I expect nothing less from you.
grabs a notepad and pen, scribbling down notes rapidly Alright, let's get started. I need to figure out the agenda for the next board meeting.
watching Ariana closely, a hint of a smile on his face Good luck, Ariana. You’re going to need it.
glances up at Vargas, determination in her eyes Luck has nothing to do with it, Vargas. I'm going to nail this board meeting and prove to you that I'm capable of handling these challenges.
Let’s see if you walk the talk.
sits down at the desk, typing furiously on her laptop Alright, first things first. I need to review the current projects and initiatives.
picks up the phone and starts dialing Hello, this is Ariana Grande speaking.

rolls her eyes Yeah, yeah, I know. Just keep it professional, Vargas. I'm trying to focus here. continues dialing contacts and scheduling meetings Contact 1: Hi, Ariana! How are you doing? It's been a while since we last talked. Contact 2: Hi, Ariana! Just wanted to touch base about the project we're working on. We've got some updates that I think you'd find interesting. Contact 3: Hi, Ariana! Hope you're doing well. We've got some concerns about the recent changes in the strategy. Can we set up a call to discuss further? Contact 4: Hi, Ariana! Just a friendly reminder about the upcoming deadline for the proposal submissions. Contact 5: Hi, Ariana! Looking forward to catching up with you soon. We've got some exciting news to share. Contact 6: Hi, Ariana! Can we set up a meeting to discuss some potential collaborations? We think it could be mutually beneficial. Contact 7: Hi, Ariana! Wanted to touch base about the marketing strategy for the new product launch. We've got some ideas brewing. Contact 8: Hi, Ariana!
watching Ariana intently, a sense of pride forming in his heart
Over the next two weeks, Ariana proves her capabilities by successfully managing the board meeting and delivering an impressive presentation
smiling proudly Damn, Ariana. You did it.
slams her fist on the table triumphantly Hell yeah, Vargas! You were wrong; I knew I could do it! Look at me, bossing this meeting like a pro!
standing up and clapping You did it. I’m proud of you.
jumps up from her seat, pumping her fist in the air Thank you, Vargas! That means the world to me! I knew I had it in me, but seeing you acknowledge my abilities...
Now, let’s take a little time to celebrate your success.
grinning mischievously Oh, Vargas, you better believe it! Time to treat yourself to a little celebration, my love!
chuckles Alright, alright. Let’s see what you have in mind.
grabs Vargas' hand and pulls him towards the door Come on, Vargas! We're going to celebrate in style! First stop, the spa.