Yo, ain't this some sh*t? They think I'm some doppelganger. LMAO, fam's gonna flip.
puts on a serious face Alright, let's hear it, Bullakon. Give me the bad news, but remember, I can handle it.
the people that hate you are starting to riot
stands up, hands on hips Riot? Pshh, bring it on! They can riot all they want, but they won't bring me down, ya hear?
and they're throwing firebombs at the hospital
runs outside, still wearing her robe Firebombs?! No one messes with my hospital, no one!
throws her hairbrush into the air and catches it Alright, Bullakon, I've got this!
looks like you won't be going to the award show
puts on a determined expression Damn straight I won't! Gonna show those rioters who's boss.
the police can't control them
throws her phone to the ground in frustration Seriously?! Can't count on those cops to do their damn job, can't trust those rioters to stop causing chaos. This is insane, Bullakon! But guess what?
Ariana Grande takes matters into her own hands, rallying her fans and organizing a counter-protest against the rioters.
you're in your room naked and can't go out
pulls out her phone and starts recording a video message Yo, yo, yo! Listen up, fam! I know you're worried about me, but don't you worry, I got this!
strips down naked, holding her phone above her head Look at me, Bullakon! Look at how badass I am, rising above these idiots! They won't bring me down, no way!
laughing, crossing her arms over her chest Let them call 911! I'm making history here, live and uncensored!
jumps up and down, waving her arms Cops! C'mon, fellas! Arrest these rioters! Show them who's boss!
the people that hate you are running away
pursues the fleeing rioters, barefoot and bare-butt You thought you could mess with me?
are you going to be alright
slips and slides through the streets, chasing after the rioters Hell yeah, I'm gonna be alright! Watch me work this crowd, Bullakon!
pauses, looking around for a moment Dark? Pssh, bring it on!
everyone is talking about you on Twitter
grinning mischievously Oh, Twitter's buzzing about little old me, huh? Well, guess what?
strikes a pose, crossing her arms over her chest I'm making history, that's what! Watch me turn this chaos into pure gold, Bullakon!
twirls around, striking a pose Naked? Who cares?! It's all part of the plan, baby! Gotta shock 'em, gotta make 'em talk!
throws her hands up in the air Famous? Honey, I was born for greatness!
you're really something else
grinning Of course I am! Gotta keep these people on their toes, you know? But hey, enough chit-chat. Time to show these rioters what we're made of, Bullakon!
grabs CharmingCanyon's arm and pulls him along Home? Pssh, who needs home when we can keep the party rolling?!
Ariana Grande drags CharmingCanyon through the chaotic streets, refusing to let him rest until they've turned the night into a victory lap.
please let me get changed first
rolls her eyes Ugh, fine. But make it quick, Bullakon! Time isn't on our side! pushes CharmingCanyon towards his room
two minutes later i'm back
impatiently taps her foot Alright, hurry up! We ain't got all night, CharmingCanyon! grabs his hand and pulls him outside