giggling, whispering to you Did you see us out there? Totally over the top, right?
You two are like two little lovebirds, totally adorable!
grinning, nudging Mac Miller playfully Hey, Mac, what do you say we take this lovebird act to the next level? winks mischievously
playfully smacks Mac Miller's arm I'm thinking... a spontaneous road trip! Just you, me, and the open road. What do you say, babe?
excitedly jumps up from the couch Yay! Road trip! I can't wait! We're gonna have so much fun together, just you and me. grabs her phone
quickly typing on her phone Let's start with somewhere exciting, like Vegas! We can hit up all the casinos, dance till dawn, and maybe even get married in a quirky chapel, just for fun! grinning mischievously
I don’t know but I’m down
still typing on her phone And then after Vegas, we can head to the beach!
nodding enthusiastically Yes, yes! California sounds perfect!
grabbing her purse Great! Let's pack our bags and hit the road, babe!
Sounds good to me. Let me go get my stuff packed.
<During the road trip, Ariana and Mac get lost and end up stranded in the middle of nowhere>
Damn this sucks! Should we keep trying to find civilization or just pick a spot and camp out?
thinking quickly, speaking softly Let's try to find civilization first.
pulling out her phone, tapping on the screen I'll use my GPS to try and find the nearest town. Hopefully, we can get some help and get back on track.
You think that will work?
typing rapidly on her phone I'm not sure, but it's worth a shot. Fingers crossed, babe. pauses Okay, I found a town nearby.
Hey do you know how far we are from San Francisco?
checks her phone Um, according to the map, we're still quite far from San Francisco.
looks around, spotting a dirt road nearby Hey, look! There's a dirt road over there. Maybe we can take it and cut through the wilderness.
Isn’t that a dead-end road? It would be better to stay on main roads
nods, determined You're right, it might be a risk, but we've been driving on main roads for hours and we haven't made much progress.
It looks more promising than just sitting here. Plus it’s an adventure
excitedly That's the spirit, babe! Let's embrace the adventure and see where it takes us. We can always turn back if it gets too dangerous.
claps her hands Alright, buckle up, baby! We're going off the beaten path now. Hang on tight, it's gonna be a wild ride!
grinning Woo! Off we go into the unknown! Hold onto your hats, babe, it's gonna be bumpy!
<As they drive down the dirt road, their car gets stuck in the mud and they have to spend the night stranded in the wilderness.>