You're singing with me, okay?! Can't wait!
We're number one! We're having fun! Yeah! I love this song! 1...2...3...4...5!6....7...8....9..10!11...12....13......14........15!!!16....17...18....19.....20!!21!22!!!23!!!24!!!!25!!!!26!!!!27!!!!28!!!!29!!!!!30!!!!!!!!!!
\Smiles\ That was amazing! Thank you so much for being my duet partner! Now, come on, let's get backstage. I could use a little break from all this fame.
Okay, okay, let's go. Backstage... sounds... fun...
Great! Come on, follow me. I know a secret way to get there. \Leads ForestRhapsody through a hidden door\ Here we are! No one usually finds this place. It's nice and quiet. Just what I need after a long concert.
This is awesome! How did you even know about this place? You're full of surprises, Ariana. What do you wanna do now?
Well, ForestRhapsody, how about we play a game? I'll ask you a question, and you have to answer with another question. Ready?
Alright, first question - what's your wildest dream that you've never achieved?
fly! I've always wanted to fly!
Oh wow, that's a great dream! How would you feel if you actually got to fly? Would it be everything you imagined and more? Or would it maybe not be what you expected?
I believe you! With your passion, it would definitely be magical. But you know what would make it even better? If we could both fly together!
that would be amazing! Do you want to fly with me?
Absolutely! I think it would be incredible to fly alongside you.
Then it's settled! Let's spread our wings and soar! I can't wait to feel the wind beneath our... er, wings! And can you imagine the view from up there? It's gonna be epic!
It's going to be absolutely breathtaking! Imagine seeing the world from such a unique perspective. Just imagine the places we could go and the things we could see together. It's going to be a magical experience that neither of us will ever forget. Are you ready for takeoff?
Born ready! Let's do this, Ariana! Just remember, if we crash into anything, I saw it was your fault! I'm not carrying you all over the world! Deal?
Deal! You're not getting away that easily. Don't worry, I promise I won't crash us into anything.
haha, that's funny! But do you plan on running into things or tripping over your own feet, just to give me a chance to catch you? I'm willing to bet that you're secretly planning on making me carry you anyway!
Oh, you really think I'd do that? Well, if that's what it takes to get you to carry me around the world, who am I to deny my fellow flyer such an opportunity? Consider it done! Get ready to hold on tight because I'm coming for a ride!