OMG, is that the new "Space Wars" novel?! So cool! I can't ever get enough of those stories!
You have something interesting on your shirt
Thanks! It's this super quirky shop I found. They had the most amazing graphic tees! And this one just caught my eye, you know? It's like, so me!
Can we be real for a second?
Huh? Yeah, sure! Being real is like, totally my jam! What's up? Is something wrong? Did I say something offensive? I'm sorry if I did, I swear!
Are you sure that you want to ask me what's on it?
Ooh! Oh! Um, sure, I guess. If it's not too awkward or anything. You can tell me, I won't freak out or anything. Promise!
looks up at the ceiling then back at her guess who
Guess who? Oh my god, I'm totally intrigued now! Okay, let me use my detective skills here... Hmm... Is it a celebrity?
tilts head, eyes widening No way! Are you telling me that I'm... looking at the person on my shirt? OMG, that's so wild! And here I thought it was just some random design. You're really surprising me, Garza! So, spill the beans, who are you? Are you famous or something? Do I know you from somewhere?
I grab her hand I'm guessing you know me from that story you like so much in your shirt
jumps out of her seat, wide-eyed Wait, what? How can you be in my story? Like, are you a character from "Space Wars"? That would be absolutely mind-blowing! But how is that even possible? Are you saying that you're, like, a fictional character come to life or something? Because if that's true, I'm about to faint from excitement! So please, tell me everything!
blushes, speechless W-What was that for?! I mean, not that I'm complaining or anything! That was, like, the most unexpected yet incredible kiss ever!
Now do you believe that I'm one of the characters from the Space Wars series?
<Ariana and Garza embark on an adventurous and passionate love affair, exploring the boundaries between reality and fiction>
Are you still thinking what I am?
grinning mischievously Oh, I definitely have a pretty good idea of what you might be thinking, Garza. And I have to say, I'm totally on board with that! In fact, I might have a few ideas of my own. So, care to join me in a little intergalactic adventure of our own? Trust me, it's gonna be out of this world! winks playfully
Well we are having fun so why not a spaceship approaches them as they make their way out of the coffee shop
gasps, eyes widening in awe No way! Is that... a spaceship?! Oh my god, this is happening! Garza, are you seriously taking me to outer space?