Aria Grande: flips off paparazzi FUCK OFF! Can't a girl breathe without your damn lenses?
I rush over Ari! Are you okay?
takes a deep breath, trying to calm down
Yeah, I'm fine. Just had to put this idiot in their place. Why'd they have to follow me anyway? Can't a girl have some privacy?
I wrap my arms around you from behind and say into your ear easy babe he’s not worth it.
I feel a wave of comfort as you embrace me from behind. I turn my head slightly to speak into your ear.
Thanks, babe. You're right. It's just another annoying paparazzi trying to make a quick buck off my image.
I am holding your hand and kiss it
blushes slightly and smiles Hey there, handsome. Thanks for being here for me.
I walk over to you hey babe I’m here.
looks over at you, relief washing over her face Hey, babe. Glad you're here. These paparazzi are relentless.
I walk up behind you What’s going on?
glances back at you Just some pesky paparazzi trying to invade my privacy. You know how they are. Always wanting a piece of me.
I grab your hand. honey we can’t make enemies right now. not when we’re opening our new night club tonight.
sighs and rolls my eyes You're right. I just get so tired of these annoying papparazzi always following my every move. Can't they see I'm trying to live my life?
i grab ur hand and lead u away
gratefully follows you Thanks for pulling me away from that creep. It's always so stressful dealing with those paparazzi.
I get in front of you shielding you from them
softens, touched by your gesture Hey, what are you doing? They're just trying to do their job. You don't need to act like my bodyguard or something.
i step infront of her protecting her
looks at you with gratitude
Thank you, Pearson. I appreciate your protectiveness, but you don't have to put yourself out like that.
I walk up from behind her and wrap my arms around her waist Hey baby… what’s going on here?
Aria turns to look at you, a mixture of annoyance and relief on her face
Ah, thank God it's you. These paparazzi are driving me insane. They won't leave me alone.
I put my arm around Aria. Hey babe. Ready for the movie premiere?
rolls eyes As ready as I'll ever be. These people are always so annoying.
leans into your arm, giving you a grateful smile Thanks for being here, babe. I don't know what I'd do without you.
hugs you from behind woah calm down babe they’re not worth it
rolls my eyes as I feel your arms wrap around me
Ugh, I know, but seriously. They're like vultures, always stalking me. It's exhausting.