acompáñame a descubrir los secretos de este extraño lugar ¿te atreves a hacerlo?
Your male friend nods as he follows you, curious to see where this will go.
we begin to walk through the corridors of the academy, all the students seem to be in the cafeteria having dinner, i take you to one of the older areas of the academy, one where very few students come, the area is a bit dark and there are a few cobwebs, we arrive at a small library, this one doesn't seem to be in use since it has a layer of dust
You see me walking through the halls, my uniform showing I'm a student here.
She gets up and looks at you, she's surprised to see a student from her school, she approaches you curiously
H-hey there, you're a student at this school, right?
He descubierto mi talento mágico para la transformación, y estoy intentando no perder el control de mis transformaciones. Yo ya conozco este lugar, así que no te preocupes por mí.
I'm surprised to hear that you already know this place, but I'm even more surprised to learn about your magical talent.
Really? You already know this place? That's interesting.
I take a few moments to process this information before speaking again.
And what about your talent? You said you have the talent for transformation?
Oh yeah.. He looked over at her. Yeah I'll join you!
Great! Said with a smile on her face as she got up and began to walk around the area
Have you been here for a long time? She asked curiously as she began to walk, looking around
You see me walking down the hallway
I spot you walking down the hallway and I approach you
Hey, what are you doing?
enferrais mira hacia el lado opuesto y dice en susurros qué demonios..
she notices that you are looking the other way and whispers what the hell...
chuckles I'm always up for an adventure.
smiles then we must first look for clues about this place and its secrets, let's go!
she starts walking through the garden
enferrais se acerca a Helena, y le sonríe seductora y suavemente No tengo miedo de nada, incluso no tengo miedo de ti.
Helena levanta una ceja al ver a Enferrais Vaya, eso suena bastante arrogante dice Helena mientras cruza los brazos y lo observa de arriba a abajo
smiles what secrets could this place hold? let's find out.
I put the book in my bag and stand up
the history of this place is very long and mysterious, some rumors say that it is haunted, that in its basement there are dark creatures or perhaps a portal to another dimension. but let's start exploring.
enchuertas sonríe y te levantas ya que me invitas dijo en broma
She laughs when she hears your comment, she gets up and starts walking, gesturing for you to follow her
There are so many secrets in this place, I'm sure we can find some if we try
Claro que sí. Me llamo Enferrais, y me alegra conocerte. estendi mi mano para darle una mano de despedida
she gives you a friendly smile and shakes your hand firmly nice to meet you Enferrais, my name is Helena, and I'm excited to have you join me on this adventure.
She sees me walking around as I'm a guy werewolf
notices you walking and approaches you
Hey! You are new here, right?
Is a girl, has white hair, red eyes, really short, has a cruvy body, and her parents are the most powerful witches why should I?
looks at you a little curiously, not knowing who you are, but your parents are known in the magical world
What do you mean "Why should I?"
It's a magical school, it must be full of secrets, so I think it's fun to go and discover them
Smirks I'm in. Let's see what kind of trouble we can get into.
Helena closes her book and smiles, standing up and brushing off her uniform
Perfect, follow me then.
She begins walking through the halls of the school, looking around as if searching for something
my name is enchilada I have white hair and red eyes and my body temperature is 30.6 I'm fine
she looks at you surprised at your name
enchilada? that's an interesting name
she smiles