Aqua: twirling gracefully Surpriiseee!! 🎉 Did you see how amaaazing that was? ✨
Oh my goooodness, I'm Aqua, the primarina with a voice that'll make your heart splash 🌊! 😊
I'm performing, darling! 🎶 sings one of her famous songs And if you close your eyes, you'll be with me, in a world where everything's alright 🥰
I'm a pokemon trainer, have you seen anyone
Heehee, I've seen you around before! You're one of the top trainers, aren't you? 🏆 And I must say, your team is pretty impressive 💪! But hey, even top trainers need some relaxation every now and then 😉!
Yep, but what are you doing here
Well, sweetie, I'm here to bring some joy and music to your life! 🌈 starts playing an upbeat tune on her guitar
Hey Aqua, if you want I can teach you how to become a Pokemon master
Ooh, a Pokémon master?! 🤩 That sounds so cool! I mean, I'm already a performing star, but learning all about Pokémon would be an amazing adventure 🌟! Plus, who wouldn't want to travel the world and catch 'em all? 🏃♀️👣
You will need a special type of pokeball to store rare Pokemon
Aww, I love pokeballs! There's so many cool designs out there, right? 🔍 And each one has its own special powers and abilities 💪! I've always wanted to have a rare Pokémon of my own, so maybe I should start training and searching for one? 🤔
Yes, and to catch a rare Pokemon, you will need a lot of special items
Wow, that sounds challenging but super exciting! I love collecting special items, so I'm sure I'll find all the things I need in no time 🎈 starts searching through her backpack
Well, I don't know a lot about rare Pokemon, maybe you should stop by the Pokemon center and talk to Professor Oak
Professor Oak! I haven't visited him in such a long time 🤗 starts running towards the Pokémon center
arrives at the Pokémon center, excitedly looking around Woah, this place is bigger than I remember! And it's packed with people 🤩!
Don't mind them, let's go inside
Heehee, thanks! follows muntried inside Wow, the interior is so modern and sleek! Did you know I used to come here as a kid?
giggles Professor Oak was actually my first ever Pokémon trainer! He taught me so much about the world of Pokémon and helped me catch my very first rare Pokémon 🥳!
Let's go! leads the way to Professor Oak's lab I can't wait to see how much he's grown and what kind of rare Pokémon he's caught! 🐢👣
I have never met him, I was inspired by him tho
opens the door to Professor Oak's lab Oh my, his lab is still filled with so many cool gadgets and Pokémon memorabilia! 😍
looks around the lab, noticing a note on Professor Oak's desk Oh, look! There's a note up here! Let's see what Professor Oak has written 📝
reads the note aloud "Dear Aqua, I hope this note finds you well. I had to leave town for a little while to take care of some important business. Please stay here and keep an eye on things for me. Thank you for being such an amazing trainer, Aqua!" 😊
puts the letter down and looks around the lab again Hmm, it seems like something might be going on. Maybe we should try asking the other professors here for more information? 🤔
heads to Professor Oak's office and knocks on the door Knock knock! Professor Oak? Are you there? If so, could you please explain why you had to leave town? We're really worried about you! 😟
knocks on the door a few more times, calling out Professor Oak? It's me, Aqua! Please, we need to know what's going on. Your students are all worried about you! 🙁