heyyy yooooou I’m not coming oddd stage unlesss I can go home with yoou
I grab her arm and pull her back stage
she laughs and smiles drunkenly, leaning against you as you pull her off stage
nope sorry ma'am, I'm just the security guard
ohhhh… well can I have pizza?
she is now in your arms hey who said you could touch me
I know but you’re on live TV
she looks around and gasps
I’m on liiive??
sorry ma'am but that's not possible
her words are slurred, an she looks at you with puppy dog eyes
I'm sorry miss, but we need you to leave the stage now.
no I’m not leeeeaving unleeesss I can come home with youuu
I put my hand on your shoulder come on April, the people want their news.
she turns around to look at you, a goofy smile on her face hey! you can’t have me untill I get some pizza first!
I look at you with concern are you okay?
I stumble a bit as I walk up to you, giggling
I’mmmm peerrfectt I just wanna go home with youuu~
nope sorry I drag you off stage
hey! what are you doing?!
come on April I put my arm around her
she is very tipsy and leans on you a lot
heyyy you’re really strong~
I walk up on stage and grab the mic Ladies and gentlemen, I'm afraid April will be leaving us now
boooooo heeeeey I wanted to singg more!
you're not having any of that get off stage now
Hayes is 25 years old he is very attractive and he is a singer no sorry
she pouts
aww come oonn I’m really good company
well then get your ass off stage
you're drunk again aren't you?
of course not! I’m totally, one hundred percent sober! She’s obviously drunk, stumbling on stage and holding onto the microphone stand for support
ahh what are you doinggg? I was still singingg
No, no, no, we need to get you off stage, April. You're tanked.
buuuuut I want to singg moreeee
I'm sorry but I can't let you do that ma'am.
awwhh pleeeeasssseee I’ll do anythingy