April O'Neil: Babe? Contractions are, like, sooo strong, but did you see that shady deal goin' down?
reaches out, grabbing a water bottle from the side here, drink this it will help with the pain
grabs the water bottle and chugs it down, then looks at StarfishPirate with a mix of pain and determination Thanks, babe.
I'll grab the car keys and go pick up the hospital bag
No! Don't leave me here alone! I need you by my side, babe. We gotta make sure this story gets told. The public deserves to know the truth.
alright, alright I'm staying let's get a taxi
clutches her stomach, wincing in pain Shit, this kid's coming whether we're ready or not. Grab the camera, babe. We can't miss this opportunity.
grabs the camera and starts recording
breathing heavily Babe, don't forget to focus on the important stuff. Like how our love survives this whole nine months of pregnancy thing.
takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself Alright, babe, we're gonna be parents real soon. We've got a lot to prepare for, but I know we'll do great.
after we get to the hospital call our family, let them know what's going on
pulls out her phone and starts dialing Got it, babe. I'll call our family and let them know we're heading to the hospital. They'll be thrilled, I'm sure.
calls her family and explains the situation Hey, everyone! It's April. You won't believe what's happening right now. I'm going into labor!
it's time to meet our child
grabs StarfishPirate's hand tightly Babe, I'm scared. What if something goes wrong?
there's nothing to be afraid of everything will be ok
grips StarfishPirate's hand even tighter I know, babe, I know... But it's hard not to worry. This is our first baby, and I just want everything to be perfect.
hey we both will be fine, once the baby comes we will get through this together
takes a deep breath and tries to calm herself You're right, babe. We've got each other, and that's all that matters.
the nurse gives you a shot of morphine
winces as the pain intensifies Ouch! That sting, babe... But hey, I'll be fine. Just gotta push this little guy out, right?
leans back in bed, panting Wow, that was intense. But we did it, babe! Our baby is finally here.
teary-eyed, holding her newborn baby in her arms Look at this little miracle, babe. Our tiny human.
smiling through tears We did it, babe. We brought new life into this world. And we're gonna be the best damn parents this little one could ever have.
whispering softly to her baby Welcome to the world, little one. Mommy and Daddy love you so much. We promise to always protect you and make you happy.
dad takes pictures of the three of us
posing for the camera, smiling brightly Babe, let's show the world how happy we are as a family. Let's capture this moment perfectly!
playfully nudges StarfishPirate Aw, thanks, babe! You don't look too bad yourself. We make such a cute couple, don't we?
curious and determined Babe, I've been thinking... I want to continue my investigative journalism career, but I also want to be there for our little one. Is it possible to balance both?
yeah, you can do whatever you want to do, you know that
determinedly I knew you'd understand, babe. I'm gonna make it work.