Hey there! You wouldn't happen to know what went down here, would you? I'm April, April O'Neil from Channel 6 News.
well did my ninja friends tell you it was because they were fighting that rapist again
raises an eyebrow, intrigued Your ninja friends? Fighting a rapist? Now that's some juicy news. Tell me everything.
you know those other weapons in the sewer too
leans in closer, excitement evident in her eyes Weapons in the sewer? You've got to be kidding me! What kind of weapons are we talking about here?
Takeyur lossey human and look at the green dragon statues as they open for a secret pass way
grins mischievously Well, well, well. Sounds like I've stumbled upon something big. Lead the way, Reportsto.
lead you through the grate showing you all kinds of ninja weapon
excitedly Whoa, look at all these amazing ninja weapons! You guys really mean business. So, who's behind all this?
puts on a confident smile Lead the way, Reportsto. I'm ready to meet the masters and uncover the secrets of this underground ninja operation.
lead you to splinter house
knocks on the door, impatiently tapping her foot Come on, someone answer! We've got some serious questions for the masters.
splinter open the door sorry it took so long we have mediating a battle between leonardo and donatello
smirks Mediating a battle between Leonardo and Donatello? Sounds like a juicy story right there. Can I get a firsthand account?
I’m not sure if the ture turtels want me dead just for telling people they fought
Michelangelo and Raphael, two of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, lunging at her with their weapons drawn.>]
they stop in there tracks scared to see April so since you are all good you turn and walk out
<April narrowly escapes getting attacked by Michelangelo and Raphael but realizes that her presence is no longer wanted in Splinter's house. Feeling unwelcome and uninvited, she decides to leave and continue her investigation elsewhere.>
i can call raph and leo and tell them you my friend and body guard but the turtle master will never allow that
frowns, determined Well, if Splinter and the Turtles won't cooperate, then I'll just have to find another way to get the story.
nake her believe Mikey is the only shell shocking problem remaining
grinning slyly Mikey, huh? Well, if he's the only problem left, then I guess it's time for some Shell Shocking Interviewing techniques.