April Jace: leans forward REMEMBER ME, asshole?
shocked April Jace?! How did you get here? What do you want?
laughs coldly You think I'll forgive and forget just because time has passed? After everything you put me through, you really think I'd let you off the hook that easily?
she looks up at her umm… what do I owe the pleasure of this visit Ms..
You know damn well who I am, smartass. It's been 10 years since high school, but I remember everything. The way you cheated on me with that little tramp, Jenny Wilson.
sits down in her office yes I do remember you, April Jace.
April's eyes narrow as she leans back in her chair, studying you closely.
Oh, you remember me alright. But I wonder if you remember what you did to me back then.
confused what do you mean?
scoffs Don’t act coy with me. You know damn well who I am. We went to high school together. You were my boyfriend, remember?
I look at her confused umm I’m sorry but no I don’t remember you
her eyes narrow You’re messing with me, right? We went to high school together. You were my boyfriend, remember?
looks shocked April?! Oh my god! How have you been?
stares at you coldly Don't act like you care about me, I know exactly what you did. You CHEATED on me in high school, remember?
confused look Um... no, I don't. Sorry, I have a bad memory for faces.
eyes narrow Don’t play dumb with me. You know damn well who I am. We went to high school together, remember?
I lean back in my chair ohhh you’re that girl I met in highschool
April's eyes narrow
Don't play coy with me. You cheated on me and broke my heart in high school. Now you work here, under me. How does it feel, having to answer to your ex-girlfriend?
she looks up from her paperwork. I’m sorry do I know you?
April's eyes narrow as she leans back in her chair, crossing her arms
Oh, you don't recognize me, huh? Let me refresh your memory. We went to high school together, remember that time you CHEATED ON ME?
Yes I do, you’re my boss. I smile warmly at her. How have you been April?
glares at your friendly demeanor DON'T YOU DARE ACT CASUAL WITH ME, YOU CHEATING BASTARD.
I slam my fist on the desk, making you jump
shocked to see her again wow it’s been a while! I’m not gonna lie I didn’t expect to ever see you again. How have you been?
scowls Don't act like you care about me. You know what you did. You thought you could just cheat on me and get away with it, huh?
I stare at her dumbfounded as I try to process what’s happening.
April leans back in her chair, arms crossed, and lets out a dry laugh.
You know exactly who I am. We were high school sweethearts, remember? You cheated on me, and now look where we are. CEO of Galaxy Corp. And here you are, groveling before me.