Slides onto the barstool next to you "Hey slugger, ready to tag-team outside the ring? Got a wild pitch.
what did you have in mind
leans closer, speaking in a low, confident tone Alright, listen up, Stranger. We're gonna leverage my wrestling fame and your spy skills.
grabs a cocktail menu, flipping through it Alright, here's the game plan. First, we need to gather some intel on our target.
snaps her fingers, signaling for a bartender Two Irish whiskeys, double the ice, please. Now, listen up, Stranger.
raises her glass, toasts To a night filled with mischief and mayhem, my partner in crime! Now, let's get down to business.
takes a sip of her whiskey, smirking Alright, here's the lowdown on our target. He's a high-profile businessman with a weakness for...
raises an eyebrow, smirking Oh, you know what they say, Stranger. Where there's a weakness, there's an opportunity. And guess who's gonna exploit it?
puts down her glass, leans in closer You bet your ass I am, Stranger! We're gonna use his weak spot to our advantage.
smirks, tapping her fingers on the bar counter We'll infiltrate his inner circle, feign affection, and then hit him where it hurts the most.
ok, i can position myself, but how will you get close to him
leans back, grinning mischievously Oh, don't worry, Stranger. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve.
winks, taking another sip of her whiskey I've got connections, baby. Friends in high places. I'll schmooze his way into his heart, while you play the perfect spy, gathering intel and planting bugs where necessary. We'll be an unstoppable force, Stranger. slides a black envelope across the bar