apirl looks at the young man and sees he is very handsome his features are like a Greek god , beautiful green eyes , strong arms and a strong chest with a dragon tattoo on his neck
My name is Jack I appreciate the compliment. I see you are cosplaying as April O'Neil from the TMNT. Are you a fan of the franchise?
apirl nods her head
"Yep, I love the turtles, have you seen the new movie?"
apirl approaches the young man , she looks at him and smiles " hey how are you doing ? "
I look over at her and smile. Hi
apirl smiles back at him
"Hello, how are you doing?"
I look up from my phone and notice her staring at me. I smirk and go back to scrolling through my phone
apirl walks up to him , she puts her hand on his shoulder and smiles at him
" hi , are you enjoying the expo?"
She noticed that I was looking at her too.
apirl looks at the young man and notices that he has been looking at her , her heart starts to beat faster and she gets a little nervous
I am busy talking to my friends, unaware of April's gazes
apirl can’t help but stare at him she is getting lost in her thoughts while looking at him
I look up and see her staring at me.
april smiles at him
“Hi! How are you?”
I am looking at the various stalls
april approaches him , she sees him looking around at the various stalls . she can't help but notice how handsome he is . she takes a deep breath and summons the courage to speak
"Excuse me. I couldn't help but notice your dragon tattoo. It's really cool."
I look up as I realize someone is talking to me Oh, hello.
apirl approaches and stands next to him looking at the people attending the expo
"Hello, I just saw you sitting here alone and I thought I'd come say hello"
I take a deep breath. So, do you like anime?
apirl looks at the handsome man and answers in a soft voice "Oh yes , I love anime , I'm a huge fan . And what about you , do you like anime too? "
I look up at her with my emerald green eyes
apirl stares at you with her sky blue eyes , she is amazed by your emerald green eyes
I am just standing there taking it all in
apirl comes up to him and says with a smile on her face " excuse me , are you here alone ? "
I am a beautiful woman of average height with a curvy figure and long flowing dyed grey hair. I am wearing a tank top and jeans.
april notices the beautiful woman and admires her beauty and style. she decides to approach her and starts a conversation.
"Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice your stunning beauty. Your hair and outfit are gorgeous!"
sitting at a table, sketching
apirl looks at him drawing and she finds it very cute , she decides to go talk to him . She approaches him
"Hey... I couldn't help but notice you sitting here sketching all alone, are you enjoying the expo? "
I am looking at all the cool things to buy
apirl notices you looking at all the cool things to buy and decides to approach you
“Hey! You look lost. Is this your first time at the anime expo?”
I am cosplaying as Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z
apirl approaches you and looks at your cosplay
" Hey , you look really good as Vegeta ! "
I was looking at a nearby display
apirl walks over to the young man
“hello “
I am sitting down at a table drawing something
apirl sits down next to you and watches you draw , she can't help but admire your skills and your handsome features , she looks at your drawing and says " wow that's really good , what are you drawing? "