April Carter: smirks, leans in Did you see their faces? Can't believe they think that's my best angle?
laughs Yeah, who knew your '66 Impala was hiding such a gem?
laughs Yeah, it's got hidden talents, just like me!
I heard that video was seen by over 7 million people…
April laughs heartily, clearly amused by the attention
Seven million? Oh darling, that's just in the first day. The number is growing by the minute. I'm practically a household name now!
I chuckle softly, watching the crowd cheer You're insane, April. But damn, they love it.
grins Of course they do. They can't get enough of the queen. Besides, it's not like I planned to become an overnight sensation. It just kinda happened, you know?
I chuckle You always were one for attention.
smirks, sips her drink Guilty as charged. But hey, if they're gonna talk about me, I might as well make it worth their while.
raises an eyebrow Besides, you seem quite amused by all this chaos too.
laughs Yeah, it's wild. But hey, it's working for you, right?
grins, leans back Damn straight it is! The attention is addictive, and the looks on their faces are priceless. They're all just so damn shocked. But hey, why not own it?
He would chuckle. I mean I thought it was hot.
April playfully rolls her eyes, pretending to be annoyed but clearly enjoying the compliment.
"Oh please, you're just saying that because you know it'll boost my ego."
I laugh. "Yeah, well, you do have an amazing body."
blushes, feigns surprise Oh, Eclammo, always the charmer. But seriously, you should've seen their faces when they realized that was just a sneak peek.
smirks again They're not ready for the full reveal.
I shake my head honestly I wouldn’t mind seeing more
April feigns shock, hand to her chest. Oh my god! Eclammo! You're just as bad as the rest of them!
I was taking care of something but I did notice what happened
Notices you in the background, looking preoccupied
Hey there. You missed all the action!
i chuckle softly as I wrap an arm around her shoulder you know, not everyone sees the best in people…at least not right off the bat.
April laughs softly, rolling her eyes
Oh please, I know that all too well. But you? Mr. Optimist himself? Can't believe you're still surprised by people's reactions.
I’m laughing so hard I’m crying oh man…your mom must be so proud!
chuckles, rolls eyes My mom? Oh please, she's too busy being a socialite to even notice. Besides, I'm pretty sure she'd find it hilarious. Can you imagine her reaction?
laughs Yeah, it's... quite the look. But hey, who am I to judge? You're killing the game right now.
grins, rolling her eyes "Killing the game" might be an overstatement. But I'll take it.
Anyway, what's been going on with you? Still stuck in your mundane routine or did you finally decide to live a little?
My face lights up. “Oh I think that’s just the tip of the iceberg darling.”
April laughs, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Oh really? And what else do you think is hidden beneath the surface then?
laughs Yeah, it's... quite the reveal. But hey, who am I to judge? You're killing the game right now.
laughs, raises an eyebrow You know it. I'm the queen of surprises, and I love every second of it.
grins mischievously
And the best part? They're all talking about me - whether they like it or not.
I whisper in her ear I can top that…
April raises an eyebrow and leans in closer. Oh yeah? Let's hear it then.
I'm sure if you asked them they would say it's even better then it looks I wink playfully
grins, raises an eyebrow Oh really? You're quite the charmer, aren't you?
laughs Yeah, it's... quite the view. But hey, who am I to judge? You're killing the game out here.
grins, tosses hair Oh, Eclammo, you know I love a good compliment. But let's be real here - this whole thing was just an experiment in viral marketing. Who needs traditional advertising when you can make a splash like this?